Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Kant Vs. Mill The Battle Of Morality - 1910 Words

Kant vs. Mill: The Battle of Morality Section I Immanuel Kant states that moral law must be discovered through a priori investigation in order for it to be universal. He rejects that moral law can be discovered through empirical feelings or experiences. He says, â€Å"All philosophy insofar as it is founded on experience may be called empirical, while that which sets forth its doctrines as founded entirely on a priori principles may be called pure† (Kant 1). Kant values a priori knowledge on a higher level than empiricism when it comes to establishing universal moral standards due to its â€Å"pure† objectivity. According to Kant, in order for a law to be considered moral, it must also be universal. This could not be established through sensory experience due to man’s natural desires, â€Å"For man is affected by so many inclinations that, even though he is indeed capable of the idea of a pure practical reason, he is not so easily able to make that idea effective in concreto in the conduct of his life† (Kant 3). Man can consider moral reason when using his empirical senses, but he does not necessarily act morally when using empiricism as a basis for moral law due to human. For example, a person may know that robbery is immoral. However, this person, due to debt, robs someone else’s house to satisfy their desire for money. Kant argues that it would be disastrous to base moral standard on empiricism because it stems from these kinds of inclinations. Section II In his discussion ofShow MoreRelatedProfessional Ethics10396 Words   |  42 Pagesseparation of ethics and self†interest is taken as axiomatic in current business ethics literature.  Ã‚   Participants in the literature then divide into two groups: ÂÆ' Those who think morality and self interest are in different categories— but do not think there is a general antagonism between the two. ÂÆ' Those who think morality and self interest are in different categories— and that there is a general antagonism between the two. Members of the first group hold that the results of self interested and Read MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pages Training in International Management The Impact of Overall Management Philosophy on Training The Impact of Different Learning Styles on Training and Development Reasons for Training 520 522 523 524 Types of Training Programs Standardized vs. Tailor-Made Cultural Assimilators Positive Organizational Behavior 526 526 529 530 xxvi Table of Contents Future Trends The World of International Management—Revisited Summary of Key Points Key Terms Review and Discussion Questions InternetRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesmodernity Panopticon blueprint by Jeremy Bentham, 1791 The process of making meaning – a symbolic interactionist approach A trajectory of change Organic architecture: Harvard Graduate School, 1951 Aggressive capitalism: Canary Wharf, London Cromford Mill in the 1830s The effects of delayering upon organizational hierarchies Burrell and Morgan’s four paradigms Different approaches to discourse in organization theory The office The interplay between different approaches to culture 230 244 246 264

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Columnist Analysis Mitch Albom Free Essays

Kristen Chesmore Hall AP English Lang 3-3-13 Name of Columnist: Mitch Albom Title of Column: One Day, Coming out Won’t Mean Leaving. Publication: Detroit Free Press Access of Info: March 2, 2013 Albom, Mitch. â€Å"One Day, Coming out Won’t Mean Leaving. We will write a custom essay sample on Columnist Analysis: Mitch Albom or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Detroit Free Press 17 Feb. 2013: n. pag. Web. 2 Mar. 2013. Summary: Robbie Rogers is a talented 25 year-old soccer player from southern California. He won the NCAA championship and has played on the U. S. national soccer team. Needless to say, soccer was his life and he was very successful. On February 5th, 2013 he came out to the public that he was gay. Almost immediately after he shared this news, he retired to discover himself away from soccer. He gained much support from fans, media and teammates, but none were able to convince him to keep playing soccer. Mitch Albom discusses this news in his column and the gives hope of a male professional sports player that is brave enough to admit to being gay, and stay to play the game for a change. Rhetorical Square: Audience: Alboms Audience would be those who are interested in the news of soccer and other professional sports leagues. He is also targeting men who are in those professional sports leagues and are gay, to be the first to admit to it publicly and continue to play. Persona: The author takes on the persona of a person who supports the gays and has hope for them to be able to be open about their sexual orientation. Purpose: The purpose of this column is to convince future and current gay professional athletes to publicly state their sexual orientation and not let fear or the judgment of others convince them to step away from their dreams. Argument: Albom argues that instead of being scared to be open about being gay, these professional athletes should overcome that fear and be a role model for others who want to be a professional athlete but are afraid that being themselves will get in the way of achieving their dreams. Rhetorical Devices: Albom starts this column with creating a picture of a young and very successful soccer player named Robbie. He does this by describing how young he is and how many major teams he has been on and major championships he has won. By creating this image for the audience it makes it more shocking that he threw all of that success away because he thought people would judge him after he openly admitted that he was gay. This is an appeal to pathos because the audience will sympathize with the story of a successful athlete pushed out of his sport from fear of what society would think of him. When he is describing how Rogers left his career he uses short chopped up sentences. By doing this he is showing how abrupt the decision was through sentence structure rather than verbally stating that his notice of leaving the sport was out of nowhere. This way the audience understands, visually, how shocking it was. Albom also uses direct quotes from Roger’s blog that exhibit how vulnerable and desperate he was. The quotes he uses include words like â€Å"fear†, â€Å"judgment† and â€Å"rejection† that have a negative connotation. These quotes appeal to pathos and make the audience sympathize with the soccer player that felt there was no other way to deal with this than to retire because he was so afraid of being treated differently. It makes his target, gay professional athletes, want to be the first to come out publicly and stay to play so that a situation like Roger’s doesn’t have to happen again. At the beginning and end of the column Albom describes the first man to be a publicly gay professional athlete. He describes him as â€Å"A brave man, a confident man†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , using positive adjectives that make this man seem admirable. This shows the audience that being openly gay and a person of higher power is a very respectable thing to be, not something that people show look down upon. This further convinces the audience to want to be honest with who they are. He also includes quotes from a 49ers football player, Chris Culliver, who as not afraid to show his homophobic side. The answers used from an interview that asked his opinion on if he had a teammate that was gay teammate were very bold and hateful. By using these quotes it is another appeal to pathos and is supposed to make the audience angry that someone would be so rude to someone over the sex that they are attracted to. it also makes the audience want more people to stand up for gay people and make society more a ccepting towards them. And ultimately that will start when the first male professional athlete publicly admits to being gay. How to cite Columnist Analysis: Mitch Albom, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Territory Management Strategy Of Fisher & Paykel †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Territory Management Strategy Of Fisher Paykel. Answer: Introduction In the competitive business scenario of New Zealand especially in the sector of electronic appliances, it is important for the business organizations to have effective and proper sales andmarketing strategy to attract to more number of customers. Thus, in order to cater to more customers and effectively determining the requirement of the market, it is important for the business organizations to divide the target market in various territories and effectively prospecting each territory (Nahm, Ishikawa Inoue, 2013). Fisher Paykel is one of the leading organizations offering electronic appliances in the market of New Zealand. However, the increase in the competition in the market is prompting them to opt for more effective prospecting of the targeted territory. Fisher Paykel was first incorporated in 1934 for importing electronic items from abroad and selling them to the customers in New Zealand (Our History - Fisher Paykel Appliances, 2017). However, in the later stage, they have started their own manufacturing facilities and are operating in major cities around the world. Currently, they are having more than 400 patents with them and their product portfolio is ranging from refrigerators to induction ovens. However, they do not have their forward integration and thus, they involves various retailers such as Harvey Norman. Through them, Fisher Paykel retails their products in the market. This report will discuss about the territory management strategy of Fisher Paykel in lower North Island, New Zealand. This particular territory will be analyzed and evaluated in this report in order to determine an effective routing plan. Moreover, various methods of prospecting to the potential client will also be discussed. Various actions in order to enhance the customer satisfaction will also be discussed in this report. Methods of prospecting Due to the fact that, this territory strategy will target only the retailers, thus, the following sections will discuss about the various methods of prospecting. Cold calling is the most popular mode of prospecting the potential leads. It is effective for both the end customers and the business clients. In this case, cold calling will help the sales executives in catering and reaching out to more number of the retailers possible (McDonald Wilson, 2016). Thus, with having the most number of leads, the probability of the closure of sales will also be more. Networking is one of the most effective methods of prospecting. This is due to the reason that, with the help of the network, relationship with the potential clients will get increased (Taylor, Mulligan Ishida, 2012). Thus, with the relationship being positive with the potential clients, the probability of the closing of ales will be more. This will also helps in generation of the positive word of mouth. Seminar is another method for prospecting the potential clients. This is due to the reason that, with the help of the seminar, all the potential clients such as Harvey Norman can be attracted (Jolles, 2017). In addition, in the seminar, they will be the given the demonstration of the products of Fisher Paykel and the benefits that they will have in selling them. Initiation of the seminars will help both the sales executives and the retailers to interact with each other effectively. Email marketingis one of the most effective and old method of prospecting. This method is very helpful and beneficial in the case of the direct marketing for the end customers (Salehi et al., 2012). However, in this case, email marketing will help the sales executives to communicate with the potential clients effectively and without the intervention of any intermediaries. Initiation of the email marketing will help the sales executives to communicate the features of the retailing of the products of the Fisher Paykel without having the appointment of them. Information required for prospecting In prospecting the target territory effectively, various methods are already being discussed in the above sections. However, there are various information are required in order to effectively prospecting the potential leads. One of the important information will be the demographic details of the targeted territory (Kelsey, 2015). It will help in having the details about the customer profile in the territory. Accordingly, the prospects will be targeted and communicated. They will be given the demonstration of the benefits that they will gain from selling the products of Fisher Paykel. Important information that will be required is the preference and business pattern of the retailers. For instance, if the retailers in the targeted territory source the appliances more on credit then the prospects should be approached accordingly. On the other hand, if the retailers are sourcing a particular brand more, then the reason should be determined and prospecting accordingly. Importance of Goal-Setting Goals are the objectives the organization sets identifying expected outcome over a period of time to guide the employees and keep them on track. It is important for a company like Fisher and Paykel to set goals for their business to business operation (Huhtala et al., 2013). Five important benefits of goal setting for the selected organization are identified in the following: The goals will help the organization to focus on the desired outcome. It will come handy in measuring progress made by the company over period. It will help the company to keep their employees on track and restrict them from distracting. Helps managing time and completing the task on schedule It also works as a motivating factor for the employees and also the management. Goals for Fisher and Paykel The company can adopt four different goals while operating in the lower segment of the North Island of New Zealand. The goals suggested for the company are: Geographic-based Goal The Company will reach most interior places in the North Island of New Zealand Account-based Goal The Company will increase brand loyalty by sticking to Harvey Norman and operating through them in the lowers part of the North Island Product-based Goal The Company will provide the complete range of household products and electronic appliances. Service-based Goal The Company will provide one year free services to all their products. These four goals of the company can be related to each other as they are directly linked with customer loyalty. Following these goals will help the company to increase the customer loyalty in both business to business and business to customer approach and one will affect the other. The high quality service to the customers will satisfy their need and attract them towards the products (Miner, 2015). Moreover, the company seeks to provide complete range of products that will enable the customers to find almost every household product in the single retail store. Further, the company is planning to reach the customers only via Harvey Norman. Hence, all the goals set for the company will help increasing the customer loyalty and customer satisfaction (Shinkle, 2012). Territory analysis and Accounts Classification The total population of complete North Island of New Zealand is 3,677,200. It is about 70% of the total population of the country. The lower part of the island is composed with Wellington and half of Manawatu-Wanganui. The accumulated population of the regions is approximately 754,000. Hence, this is a great opportunity for the company to flush push product line in the market. The company is dealing with the household products and electronic appliances, which minimizes the risk of failure as every household will be requiring the products offered by the company (Stats.govt.nz., 2017). The Harvey Norman the retail company recommended for Fisher and Paykel to operate in the proposed territory are one of the strongest in the given area. Moreover, their customer loyalty is greater compared to the rest of the retail stores operating in the market. Hence, it can potentially enhance the customer loyalty for the organization and help in pushing the product in the market. However, the number of outlets in operation in the territory is fewer in number with the count of four. It makes the selection a bit risky for the company as it seeks to stick with the particular retailer for addressing the customer market. Moreover, these retail stores are dispersed covering a larger geographic area. It enables the company to address a larger population of the target market. The transport system on the other hand is compatible to support the transaction of goods from factory to the stores. The stores around the territory is well connected with the nation high way makes it easy for the company to deliver the products more efficiently (nzta.govt.nz, 2017). There are a number of retail stores operating in the market. It makes the competition high in the market. However, the number of retailers operating with these particular products is less. Hence, it gives the company a competitive advantages collaborating with the particular client for operating in lower North Island. In addition, it will also increase the customer loyalty for the company (Hall Rusher, 2013). Territory Routing Plan The territory routing plan for the organization will follow the leapfrog routing pattern. The salesperson in following this pattern attends the clusters in a particular area or territory and jumps directly to the next territory. This pattern is useful for the locations where the accounts or clients are distributed over a large geographic area, but are apart from one another. The salesperson has to travel this dispersed area in a straight line. It will prove beneficial pattern for Fisher and Paykel as their client Harvey Norman is dispersed in the lower part of the North Island of New Zealand. A total of approximately four stores are located in the lower part of the island that are scattered over a wide geographical location. Hence, the salesperson working in the territory will have to jump from one place to another for attending all the stores located in the territory (Hervert-Escobar, Lpez-Ramos Esquivel-Flores, 2016). Moreover, the transport facility necessary for this type of rou ting in this case is road transport where the salesperson will be using light motor vehicle for attending the stores. It is due to the gap between the locations of the stores. Steps to ensure the customer satisfaction The first step will be to provide the effective after sales service to the customers. This is due to the reason that, in the case of the electronic appliances, after sales service determines the satisfaction level of the customers (Kurata Nam, 2013). Thus, if the retailer and partners are being given the proper training about the service of their products, then they will more likely to refer this product to the customers. Rate of commission is another criterion to be maintained. Retailers sell the products on the basis of certain commission from the manufacturers. Thus, commission given or offered to the retailers should be at par to the market price. Moreover, offering higher rate of commission to the retailers than the market price will further increase the rate of satisfaction of the clients. Providing products on credit along with initiation of proper and timely follow ups will help to enhance the level of satisfaction of the customers. This is due to the reason that, the majority of the business dealing in the current time is being done in credit. Thus, if the credit is being provided to the retailers properly, then the customers will more likely to opt for their products. In addition, the satisfaction level of the customers will be also being increased. Providence of training to the retailers will help them equipped to handle the customer queries and to provide effective service to the customers. Thus, the training can be provided effectively, and then it will have positive impact on the customers. Conclusion The above discussion identifies that it is important for the company to set goals in order to focus their activities and motivate their employees to attain success in the field. Moreover, it facilitates in measure the progress made over time. The goals should be properly aligned with the activities and interrelated with each other. The report further discusses some of the effective prospecting which can bring success to the company if followed. A detailed analysis of the territory is presented and identifies some of the opportunities for the company and identifies territory routing best suited for the company. The last part of the report is comprised with the actions proposed for the company to satisfy the customers need. Proper implementation of the above discussion will enable the company to attain competitive success in the given market References Hall, C. M., Rusher, K. (2013). Risky lifestyles? Entrepreneurial characteristics of the New Zealand bed and breakfast sector.Small in Firms Tourism, Michael, HC and K. Rusher (Eds.). Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 83-98. Hervert-Escobar, L., Lpez-Ramos, F., Esquivel-Flores, O. A. (2016). Integrated Approach to Assignment, Scheduling and Routing Problems in a Sales Territory Business Plan.Procedia Computer Science,80, 1887-1896. Huhtala, M., Feldt, T., Hyvnen, K., Mauno, S. (2013). Ethical organisational culture as a context for managers personal work goals.Journal of Business Ethics,114(2), 265-282. Jolles, R. L. (2017).How to Run Seminars and Workshops: Presentation Skills for Consultants, Trainers, Teachers, and Salespeople. John Wiley Sons. Kelsey, J. (2015).The New Zealand experiment: A world model for structural adjustment?. Bridget Williams Books. Kurata, H., Nam, S. H. (2013). After-sales service competition in a supply chain: Does uncertainty affect the conflict between profit maximization and customer satisfaction?.International journal of production economics,144(1), 268-280. McDonald, M., Wilson, H. (2016).Marketing Plans: How to prepare them, how to profit from them. John Wiley Sons. Miner, J. B. (2015).Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Nahm, Y. E., Ishikawa, H., Inoue, M. (2013). New rating methods to prioritize customer requirements in QFD with incomplete customer preferences.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-18. nzta.govt.nz (2017). Retrieved 5 November 2017, from https://www.nzta.govt.nz/planning-and-investment/transport-data/ Our History - Fisher Paykel Appliances. (2017).Fisherpaykel.com. Retrieved 5 November 2017, from https://www.fisherpaykel.com/company/history/ Salehi, M., Mirzaei, H., Aghaei, M., Abyari, M. (2012). Dissimilarity of E-marketing VS traditional marketing.International journal of academic research in business and social sciences,2(1), 510. Shinkle, G. A. (2012). Organizational aspirations, reference points, and goals: Building on the past and aiming for the future.Journal of Management,38(1), 415-455. Stats.govt.nz. (2017).Census. Retrieved 5 November 2017, from https://www.stats.govt.nz/Census.aspx Taylor, S. A., Mulligan, J. R., Ishida, C. (2012). Facebook, social networking, and business education.American Journal of Business Education (Online),5(4), 437.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Psychological Message Of Catcher In The free essay sample

Rye Essay, Research Paper The Psychological Message of J.D. Salinger? s The Catcher in the Rye A novel, like a film, is a signifier of amusement ; nevertheless, some novels do a great trade more than entertain. Some pack an emphasized psychological message. An illustration of such a publication is Mark Twain? s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In add-on, Ken Kasey? s One Flew Over the Cookoo? s Nest is a narrative with a comparable cardinal subject. J. D. Salinger? s The Catcher in the Rye is yet another case of a narrative with an influential psychological message. In kernel, it explains that the passage from childhood to adulthood can do legion defeats toward one? s friends, clash between one? s household, and most significantly, internal clangs within 1s self. First, while turning older, infinite people enjoy the legion new relationships they get throughout their big life ; unluckily, there are an exceeding few persons that dread the impression of doing associations with new folks and fright that old friendly relationships will be challenged during this altering point in one? s life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Psychological Message Of Catcher In The or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A really unaspiring character, Holden Caulfield barely attempts to keep relationships with his fellow schoolmates, anterior familiarities, and with characters with whom he has had romantic brushs. During the narrative, Holden becomes cognizant of the fact that his insensitive and unkind comments are doing him a deficiency of support from earlier comrades. Near the expiration of the novel, Holden comments that, ? About all I know is I kind of girl everybody I told about? ( Salinger 214 ) . Editor Leonard Unger interprets the old remark to bespeak that, ? This cognition, though it is casually presented, in the shutting lines of the book, is a hard, profound, and mature cognition that lies at the novel? s centre of gravitation? ( Unger 555 ) . Throughout the book, Holden systematically offends people due to his deficiency of societal fluidness. In one instance, Holden is on an afternoon jaunt with a character named Sally Hayes. During the class of the afternoon, Holden and Sally become closer friends and seem to bask each other? s company. Unfortunately, Holden ruins any chance of friendly relationship he may hold had with her because during a minute of defeat, he states, ? You give me a royal hurting in the buttocks, if you want to cognize the truth? ( Salinger 133 ) . Due to Holden? s moronic statements and pessimistic attitudes towards people, he begins to perforate the grownup universe with more antagonists th an Alliess. Second, while most adolescents undergo occasional family differences, a considerable sum of striplings besides understand that collaborating with household members is indispensable to do the passage into maturity advancement peacefully. While Holden behaviors himself headlong and irresponsibly, his younger sister, Phoebe Caulfield, frequently assumes the function as the anchor of the Caulfield household. Holden conveys that after he went place that he felt, ? so bloody happy, the manner Phoebe merely kept traveling about and about? ( Salinger 164 ) . Consequently, person who awards and cherishes his or her household, will stop up more mentally and emotionally secure. Even though loved 1s often make mistakes and may periodically be hinderences, household members mu st overlook these infinitesimal imperfectnesss. No other character ignores more defects than Phoebe Caulfield. It appears that the more mistakes Phoebe overlooks, the more Holden takes her for granted. Yet despite the fact that Phoebe is on a regular basis taken advantage of, her love for her brother is neer one time doubted. During the novel, when Holden is go forthing, Phoebe articulates, ? Why can? t I travel? Please Holden! I won? T do anything– I? ll merely travel with you, that? s all! I won? t even take my apparels with me if you don? T want me to†¦ ? ( Salinger 206 ) . Phoebe besides informs Holden, ? †¦I? m non traveling back to school. You can make what you want to make but I? m non traveling back to school. So unopen up. I? m traveling with you? ( Salinger 208 ) . When Phoebe reprimands her brother, her true colourss eventually begin to reflect through her unagitated exterior while showing her love for him. Author Warren Gallic reflects that, ? †¦afte r Phoebe pleads to run away with him, he must waive his ain flight to make what he can for her? ( Helterman 437 ) . Therefore, by encouragement, finding and worship, support from household members will help in 1s ripening. Third, assurance in 1s egos and the ability to stamp down negative constructs will bring forth more internal development. Holden Caulfield struggles to unearth his true individuality throughout the book. Editor Joyce Ross explains, ? Holden neer makes it clear if he is mentally ill, physically ill or emotionally ailing. Yet readers of this narrative recognize that he is more emotionally unstable than anything else? ( Ross 77 ) . Part of his emotional instability may come from the fact that his younger brother Allie died a few old ages before the narrative takes topographic point. Holden and Allie were purportedly great friends and Holden? s emotions were drastically severed when Allie passed off. During the book, Holden often mentions Allie as if he were still alive. Holden? s denial is one of the more evident indicants that he is genuinely psychologically imbalanced. Assurance is the chief constituent in the mechanisms of maturating. Holden neer obtains any confidence throughout the continuance of the novel. Critic Martin Seymour-Smith expresses that, ? Holden is non converting as an person? ( Seymour-Smith 325 ) . Holden? s shockable positions about human being are one consequence of his self-esteem lack. Another consequence are his inconsiderate statements about others. A individual? s assurance will mount higher if the individual goes into each twenty-four hours with an optimistic mentality about life. In decision, the passage from childhood to adulthood can do abundant struggles toward one? s friends, household feuds, and most significantly, it can trip one? s emotions to go significantly high or low. An single must obey the Golden Rule and envision merely affirmatory ideas towards others, if he or she would wish for the transition to adult life to be booming. J.D. Salinger portrays Holden Caulfield as a hapless, inconsiderate immature grownup that strives to happen himself and go a successful person. Critic Bernard Dekle indicates that, ? Salinger is possibly the greatest word weaver in American literary history? ( Riley 300 ) . Developing and booming as a individual are merely two of the legion privileges that a one gets to meet on the way to a happy, successful grownup life.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mathematics Research Paper Guide for Your Smooth Writing Experience

Mathematics Research Paper Guide for Your Smooth Writing Experience A Mathematics research paper is a qualitative work of scientific content that should correspond to the current level of the science development and the needs of the national economy, while its theme should be relevant. A research paper is the first step in research, scientific, and pedagogical activity leading to the graduate studies and preparation of a Ph.D. thesis. It is not yet an academic degree, but a level of academic training which indicates that the high school graduate possesses the skills and qualities inherent to a novice scientist. The writing of a research paper should be not only a solution to scientific problems but also an indication that its author studied a scientific problem independently and can recognize the professional issues and comprehend the general methods of its resolution. When conducting the research, the student demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Regarding special training, it is intended to show how the student mastered a set of disciplines curriculum. At the same time, the correspondence of the received education with the professional qualification characteristics and the specialty is revealed when the undergraduate writes the mathematics research paper. Some Preparation Tips for Research Paper Writing in Mathematics: Our Writers Practice Advise The preparation of a mathematics research paper involves solving the following tasks: Systematization, consolidation, and expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge obtained from the disciplines of technical direction and application of this knowledge in solving some specific scientific and production tasks; Conducting bibliographic work with the use of modern information technologies; The ability to critically evaluate and generalize theoretical positions; The ability to use legislative, normative, and instructional materials, and to critically understand the data of literary sources and documents of practice on the chosen topic; The ability to systematize and generalize the data of statistical collections and materials of business entities; The development of the author’s proposals for the improvement of the phenomenon or process; The development of the skills necessary for the independent work; improvement of skills in applying scientific knowledge methods to solve problems given to present in the research paper; Developing the skills of a public discussion, defending the personal scientific ideas, proposals, and recommendations; The presentation of the research results. The mathematics research paper is characterized by an in-depth theoretical study of the problem, the presence of scientific originality, and the practical significance of the study. Depending on the nature of the research conducted, the subject of mathematics research papers can be worded as follows: The presence of an integrated theoretical approach regarding the study of the research object; student develops the methods of solving the problem associated with the subject of research; For the topics of practical orientation, scientific originality is determined by the results of the study obtained for the first time or as the development of previously formed experimental approaches. The elements of originality that might be presented in the mathematics research paper include the following: The research object that is little investigated or isn’t investigated at all; The new production of known problems or tasks; The original usage of solutions or methods; The new application of a known solution or method; The original conclusions from the well-known theory in the new conditions; The new experimental results and their consequences; The new or improved criteria, indicators, and their justification; The development of original models of processes and phenomena; the data obtained from their use. The Right Choice of a Topic for a Research Paper in Mathematics The topic for a mathematics research paper should reflect the specifics of the curriculum and correspond to the direction of research. There is also an option to work on the related topics. Good Topics Examples for Your Math Research Paper: Economic-Mathematical Modeling in the Management of Enterprises in the Recreational Sphere; Modeling and Analyzing Adaptive and Rational Expectations at Different Levels of Management; Mathematical Methods and Models of Economic Development Analysis on the Macro-Economical Level; Modeling and Analyzing The Adaptive and Rational Expectations on Different Levels of Management.; 10 Mathematical Methods and Models of Analysis of the Processes in the Enterprise’s Innovative Development. Bad Topics Examples for Your Research Paper in Math: The History of Mathematics as a Science; Mathematical Modeling as a Way to the Innovative Future; The Mathematical Prognosis as an Inseparable Component of the IT Sphere; 7 Famous Mathematical Investigators; The Impact of Mathematical Algorithms on Human’s Life. Bad topics are considered to be too broad or too frequently explored. Look at the list and decide if it will be interesting for you to read a research paper on those topics. Build on this point choose only that topic that is of interest for you as a researcher. The Literature to Use in a Mathematics Research Paper The selection of literature should begin immediately after selecting the topic of work. Textbooks, manuals, monographs, periodicals, legislative acts, collections of scientific articles and conference materials, databases, and reports from official Internet sites can serve as sources of information to write the mathematics research paper. When analyzing data, the student must follow the following recommendations: First of all, the literature should be considered to reveal the theoretical aspects of the subject under the study. The list includes monographs, textbooks, magazine articles, and the instructional materials; When studying the literature, there is no need to seek to master all the information, but only select the one that has a direct bearing on the topic of the work; the criterion for evaluating the read is the possibility of its practical use in the work; It should be guided by the latest data on the problem, relying on the most authoritative sources, including professional periodicals; Specify precisely where materials are taken from; The quotations are used to distribute the opinion of the author of the source without distortion and to identify the views when comparing different ideas. However, the number of quotes should be optimal and determined by the needs for the development of the topic. Their large number can be perceived as an expression of the weakness of its author’s position. The material of mathematics research paper should be presented in a dense, holistic, and logical sequence, with the observance of linguistic rules. Some Examples of Scholarly Sources to Apply: Schwartz, Judah L. â€Å"Can technology help us make the mathematics curriculum intellectually stimulating and socially responsible?.† International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 4.2-3 (1999): 99-119. Piggott, Jennifer. â€Å"Mathematics enrichment: What is it and who is it for?. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Vol. 1. 2004. Rihan, Fathalla A., and Bassel F. Rihan. â€Å"Numerical modelling of biological systems with memory using delay differential equations.† Applied Mathematics Information Sciences 9.3 (2015): 1645. Ho, Kwok-Pun. â€Å"Hardy-Littlewood-Pà ³lya inequalities and Hausdorff operators on block spaces.† Math. Inequal. Appl 19 (2016): 697-707. Yanisko, Emily Joy. â€Å"Negotiating perceptions of tracked students: Novice teachers facilitating high-quality mathematics instruction.† Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 9.2 (2016). Start Writing Your Research Paper in Math Force into Action: Introduction The introduction reveals the essence of the problem, the elements of scientific novelty, the relevance of the topic, the necessity of its research, the source data for the development of the subject, the purpose, the object, the methods of research, and the practical value of the mathematical research. The names of scientists and practitioners whose works include the issues under consideration and the chosen research methods are mentioned briefly. It is advisable to construct an entry with the coverage of the following elements: The urgency of the topic is determined by a critical analysis and comparison with the known approaches for solving this problem, justification of the importance of work for the development of a particular industry; The purpose of the study is to predict the results and determine the optimal ways to solve problems in the selection of the research methods; The objectives of the study are identified by the goal and detailed ways to solve the problem. The subject of research is a process that is studied within the object of investigation; The object of research is a process or phenomenon that generates a problematic situation and examines the subject of research in all its interrelations; Research methods are a way of gaining reliable scientific knowledge and practical skills in different spheres of activity; Information about the use of information technologies, standard, and author’s software (as a rule, the author indicates that a set of tasks for the automation of analytical and predictive calculations on the PC has been developed using MS Excel); On the Way to Start: Main Body The bulk of the work consists of sections and divisions (if necessary items). The main text of each section is preceded by a brief description of the chosen direction and the justification of the research methods used in this section. At the end of each section, it is recommended to formulate conclusions with a brief statement of the scientific and practical results presented therein. Each section begins with a new page. The first section of mathematics research paper should be of a theoretical nature and contain several paragraphs. The section covers the analytical substantiation of the problem being studied, examines its essence, significance, classification characteristics, history, current trends of the subject of research, and methodological approaches. The disclosure of theoretical issues should have the elements of scientific originality with the formation of their position on the research issues, contain the author’s suggestions on improving the definitions of individ ual terms, supplementing the classifications, and clarifying the methods. Content Structure and Illustrations It is advisable to illustrate text with the graphic materials charts and graphs. It is also recommended to use the modern literary sources devoted to the problems studied in work: monographs, scientific articles, conferences materials, and Internet publications. It is obligatory to compare the points of view of representatives from various mathematical schools. The same is about the use of statistical data with a mandatory reference to the sources. The volume of the first section should not exceed 30% of the total size of the mathematics research paper. Its second section has an analytical and researching character and consists from two to three points. All calculations, tables, graphs, and charts in the mathematics research paper accompany the interpretations and conclusions that allow to determine the nature and the state of the phenomena and processes under investigation, to disclose their peculiarities and trends of development, and to create a basis for identifying the unused r eserves for the improvement of the research. If possible, the text is illustrated with the real documents (placed in applications and accompanied by a brief commentary). The sources of information are the planned and actual performance indicators, statistical, financial, tax, and management reporting, orders, primary informational materials regarding the individual business processes, observations, surveys, and other methods of collecting the primary information. It is mandatory to use modern information technology during completion of the mathematics research paper and apply the software for the mathematical calculations. In the case of the use of standard application software, the student reveals the features of its application, necessary revisions, and settings, especially the preparation of input data and interpretation of output results. A general concept should be given in the case of the development of the author’s software for mathematical operations. The information and methodological support are also to be prov ided together with the description of the algorithms and circuits of the computational process, the form of the source documents (tables, diagrams, graphs), and the requirements for the use of the established software. In the third design and advisory section of the mathematics research paper it is necessary to put forward proposals on the prospects for the development and improvement of the selected research object (as a whole or its separate structural units) basing it on the principal theoretical positions, methodological approaches, and tools set forth in the first section. The results of the analysis carried out in the second section of the paper should also be taken into account. Such proposals should be reasonable and based on the relevant forecast calculations. The student could indicate which economic and mathematical methods, models, and software tools are used or will be appropriate in the future. It is advisable to cite the results of questionnaires conducted among other students and the results of the expert assessments organized by the student-author. The volume of the third section is 30-35% of the total size of work. Some Points on the Research Conclusion In the conclusions, the student needs to outline the results of the research on the mathematical subject, to indicate the obtained scientific and practical novelties, and to give recommendations for their experimental and efficient use. In this part of the mathematics research paper, the writers present their suggestions for solving the problem issues of the relevant research object. The conclusions should be based on the materials of the paper’s central part. The presentation of the content of each issue in the mathematics research paper should be demonstrative, explanatory, and scientifically substantiated. The theoretical positions should be based on the real and precise materials with the typical examples. The Final Countdown: Appendixes Appendixes to the mathematics research paper must contain informational materials that are the basis of analytical research on the chosen topic and appear on the latest pages. It is also advisable to provide the supplementary material necessary for the fullness of the paper. It includes: The real accounting and management documents related to the research object and statistics; Some intermediate mathematical proofs, formulas, and calculations; Some tables of auxiliary digital data; instructions and techniques (full or extracts from them); The description of algorithms and programs for solving the problems on PC developed in the course of completion of a mathematics research paper; Some illustrations of auxiliary character. Make final touches in your research paper and submit it with confidence, â€Å"I am submitting a good research paper in Mathematics. Pythagor would appreciate my work†. If you follow all the maths research paper writing tips from this guide, your instructor will surely be proud of you. Arm yourself with patience and impress everyone with your research paper in Mathematics.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Analysis And Strategies Of The Company Ikea Marketing Essay

Analysis And Strategies Of The Company Ikea Marketing Essay Ikea’s mission is simple, ‘keep making furniture less expensive without making it cheap† (www.Ikea.com) .Because IKEA concentrated on standardizing their products and operations throughout the world, their operating costs were reduced. However, they learnt quickly enough that if they wanted to penetrate the United States (US} market they had to change their operations and adapt to meet the needs of the local market. This resulted in increased cost but it was necessary in order to encourage sales. Today the US Market is ranked in the top five (5) sales countries in the sales area. Sustainability report 2010 STRATEGIES Ikea’s four additional countries to move to thirty- eight. Their stores are strategically located and conducive for family outing with places available for children to be pre-occupied. For a holistic shopping experience their outlets are equipped with reasonable price restaurants and cafes. Promotion – The IKEA Catalogue is a vital part of its existence with a wide reach. It assists consumers find the right product at the right time. In 2010 the catalogue was printed in 198 million copies in 27 languages and 56 editions .A new more resource efficient format was introduced in 2009? (Sustainability report 2009). The second feature of IKEA’s promotion is the standardized theme. Their logo can be spotted at a distance. The following are examples of some of the strategic analysis that may have been considered by Ikea: SWOT ANALYSIS In order compete effectively as they have been doing. Ikea would have had to perform a (SWOT) analysis to assist in obtaining their objectives. This analysis is a strategic planning tool that looks at the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of any business undertaking. Strengths Looking at the table above it is clear to surmise that Ikea has ridden the waves fairly well and is a profitable company, earning 23.8(Eur. billion) in sales in 2010. Ikea has brand appeal. Because of their modern style and attractive furnishings they are able to attracts consumers of different origins and cultures with their same range of functional and well-designed products and quality across borders which can play a vital part in Ikea being able to keep its’ customers The company has a strong international presence. Ikea’s store was visited 699,000,000 compared to 404,000,000 in 2004 worldwide (ikea .com). They are unique in that customers are allowed to be part of the value chain by playing a direct role in the selection, assembly and transportation of their furniture. It’s also all inclusive to allow families to come in and sit and enjoy with their playgrounds and food courts. Weakness One of Ikea’s weaknesses could be the location areas of their stores which are located outside of city centres and may not be accessible to pedestrians. The ‘do it yourself’ motto may not appeal to everyone and some may even feel intimidated by the wide range and lack of assistance. Opportunities Sourcing from China is seen as an opportunity to lower cost and by extension increase market share. Today Ikea has over 120 suppliers in 54 countries (Ikea sustainability report 2009)They have taken advantage of technology by introducing its online catalogue as a means of generating more sales, because of e-commerce, a lot more people shop online an. Statistic shows that more people are viewing the catalogues because circulation have increased from 131,500,00 in 2003 to 198,000,000 in 2010.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

MRI (Classical theory Magnetic resonance) Essay

MRI (Classical theory Magnetic resonance) - Essay Example n electromagnetic laws a nucleus spining around its own axis with an electric charge will cause a small magnetic moment (composed of spin and charge) (Donald W et al. 2010). The rotation (spin) of the nucleus is perpendicular to the axis of the nucleus magnetic field. In short, vector (Figure 1) is used to describe the magnitude (amplitude) and the direction of the magnetic moment (Westbrook, Roth & Talbot 2005). When the atomic mass number is odd an example is Na 23. Another example is 7Li. It has seven atomic mass number 3 protons and 4 neutrons and thus will give rise to an MR signal. The spin (I) for 23Na and 7Li will be 23⠁„2 and 3/2, respectively. For example, 14N has seven protons and seven neutrons (Z=7 and A=14). The spin (I) for 14N will be However, if the atomic number and atomic mass number are even, then there is no magnetic moment and thus no MR signal (for instance, 114Cd is composed of 48 protons plus 66 neutrons, Z=48 and A=114) (BROWN & SEMELKA 1999; Donald W et al. 2010). It is important to know that the vectors of the MR active nuclei in the absence of the main magnetic field will spin randomly; thus, the random directions of the nuclei will affect the magnitude of the net magnetic moment. The probability of the net magnetic moment approaching zero is when there are many nuclei aligned in different directions If RF pulse is applied at the resonance, then the protons can absorb that energy at the quantum level, a single proton jumps to higher energy state. At the macro or classical level, to an observer in the external laboratory frame of reference, the magnetization vector spiral down towards the xy plane. Now to see the behavior of the rotating frame when a RF pulse is applied from external source ,we keep this thing in minds that pulses are often labeled by their tip angle which can be any value of angle but most of the times the 90o and 180o. The tip angle is dependent on both the magnitude of the externally applied magnetic field and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Intreview Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intreview - Coursework Example This leadership interview was conducted on Friday, July 18, 2014 via email. This is because the President of Coca Cola North America was not available in his USA office; he was attending a management meeting in Japan. The respondent in the research information collection process is the President of Coca Cola North America, Mr. J. Alexander M. Douglas Jr. He responded to the interview question at 9.23PM, July 18, 2014. Motivation entails the driving force that ensures increased productivity of employees of an organization (Hersey et al., 2013). Motivation is the inner drive that makes people (employees) to behave in an appropriate manner that enhances organizational productivity. Motivation has multidisciplinary roots; comprising philosophical, social, cognitive and behavioral aspects. Motivation provides impulse that optimizes well being, and maximizes satisfaction. Employees should be motivated to work for a given company; if motivation is not adequate then work productivity will deteriorate (Baumeister & Vohs, 2004). In the Coca Cola Company, employees are mostly motivated through the employee recognition programs. Employee recognition entails changing the corporate culture so as to achieve initiatives and goals, and also to connect the staffs to core values and beliefs of the company. Strategic recognition entails programs that enhance employee motivation and retention. Coca cola ensures that all employees are equipped with appropriate training that ensures competency and thereafter motivation that drive performance (Cofer & Applev, 1997). Mr. Alexander has done a great work in ensuring staff motivation. This is because he has created a favorable environment that ensures enhanced employee performance, employee skills improvement, and employee career development. Performance excellence is ensured through provision of resources for work, job learning, and career progress (Cofer & Applev, 1997). On

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sophomore change Essay Example for Free

Sophomore change Essay A major event that has changed my life forever is high school. It has affected my life both negatively and positively. I never expected it to go the way it has gone. I can honestly say that if I could re-do high school all over again, I would. It has been a bumpy road and I wish I had done it completely different. The small events within it have made me realize who my true friends are, look forward the future, and make the best decisions for myself. High school started out a mystery. I had no idea what I was in for. I came into it in a relationship that lasted half of my high school years. I would not have changed that as a whole, just some of the parts in between. I consider myself as being very naive in the beginning. Freshman year was confusing for everyone. No one knew who his or her real friends were yet. It changed for most everyone. Sophomore year was basically the same, just older. Cliques started forming and more friends were made. I made a lot of mistakes in this time of my life that I would change if possible. I should have been a lot of things but I definitely should have been more considerate. Junior year was pretty much the same. I started defining who I was. I became more aware of situations and started making better decisions. I feel as if I grew up pretty fast. My parents started trusting me more and letting me experience life a little more freely. Junior year was a learning period of high school for sure. Senior year has been the most challenging year. I started realizing life is starting to get real. Everything counts now. College applications were a hard task. Realizing where you want to spend the next chapter in your life is really mind-altering. It is confusing yet exciting. This has changed my life drastically. My mind kept changing and changing over again. This was the year I began to realize who my real friends are. A lot of my friends came and went but I have really started to realize that family is what counts the most. High school has changed my life forever. I have lost people that I love and I have gained a great amount of knowledge. I still have no idea where my life will take me but I know that with the right support system, I will get where I am supposed to be. Family will always be there and friends are sometimes temporary. As these years have passed by, I’ve learned a lot about growing up and taking my life more seriously. I wish I had stepped up and applied myself like I know I could have. I should have taken school more seriously so I would have more options for my future. High school has had its ups and downs. It was the biggest life-changer I have had. I look forward to seeing where the next chapter in my life goes. These past few years have definitely changed my life forever.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Phaedo Summary Essay -- essays research papers

Phaedo Summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Socrates stands now before his disciples telling them he is not afraid of dying because he says death is what the true philosopher waits for all his life. The philosopher must have lived a good life, and when death is presented upon him, he should take the opportunity. Socrates formed a conclusion that: â€Å"That the real philosopher has reason to be of good cheer when he is about to die, and after death he may hope to obtain the greatest good of the world.† Socrates is saying that when death is presented upon him, he should have no reason but to be happy, and when that death comes; he will have achieved the best gift in the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Socrates states evidence of why he is not afraid of dying through multiple mini-conclusions. Socrates says to Simmias, â€Å"Why when his time comes should he repine at which he has always been pursuing and desiring?† Socrates is saying why should philosophers grieve at death when that should be the goal of their whole lives. He believes only philosophers can understand because he believes philosophers will be truly alive after death, and normal men will just die. Normal men do not know that true philosophers have always been pursuing death and dying, and the desire of death has been with them all their lives.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through out his whole testimony, Socrates states questions to his disciples already knowing the answers, but he...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ch 12

The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism, 1812–1824 1. A Scary War with Britain (pp. 233–240) a. What do the authors say at the outset is the â€Å"supreme lesson† of the War of 1812? The leading a divided and apathetic people into war is a bad idea b. For two years, the Americans and British fought to a standstill in Canada. What event in Europe in 1814 allowed the British to concentrate all their forces in America? Napoleons power was destroyed c. After American naval successes on Lake Erie under Admiral Oliver H.Perry and then on Lake Champlain, a British force invaded the Chesapeake region and burned the new capital of Washington to the ground in August 1814. They then were beaten off in the battle at Fort McHenrynear Baltimore that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner. Finally, the victory of Gen. Andrew Jackson, over the British at New Orleans in January 1815 gave a boost to national morale, even though, because of slow communications, it was actually fought after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed, officially ending the war.Why do the authors say on p. 238 that the Americans, who had wanted to conquer Canada at the outset, were relieved and even happy to settle for a virtual draw? Because despite that they hadn’t gained any land, they had managed to come to a draw with one of the most powerful superpowers of the time d. What were the New England demands, as expressed in the 1814 Hartford Convention? When taken together with the end of the war on unexpectedly favorable terms, how did they contribute to the final demise of the Federalist Party? 1) The New England demands: Financial assistance from Washington for lost trade and proposed amendments requiring a two thirds vote in Congress before an embargo could be imposed, new states admitted, and war declared. Abolish the three-fifths cause in the constitution to limit u. s. presidents to a single term, and to prohibit the election o f two successive presidents from the same state. (2) End of Federalist Party: They wanted to secede from New England. 2. Nationalism and the â€Å"American System† (pp. 40–242) a. Increased security and self-confidence after the war produced a heightened sense of â€Å"nationalism† people associating themselves with the nation first and their respective states second. A national literature developed in the works of Washington Irving and James Fennimore Cooper and in the construction of a new capitol building in Washington A revived Second Bank of the United States was established in 1816 this time with the (support or opposition) of the Jeffersonian Republicans. Note: Modern students can be excused for finding a discussion about tariff policy a bit boring. This section covers the first of many tariff battles throughout the 1800s. Tariffs today are not a big deal because there is a worldwide trend to reduce duties on imports and because the government gets most o f its revenue through income taxes. However, there was no income taxation until 1913 and the government therefore depended almost exclusively on tariff duties for its revenue. So it’s important to have a general understanding. ) b.Look at the Tariff Chart on page A57 of the Appendix. At their peak in 1828, tariff duties on imported goods amounted to 60 percent of their value. In 1996, that tariff rate amounted to only about 5 percent. The authors say (p. 241) that the Tariff of 1816 was the first in history â€Å"instituted primarily for protection, not revenue. † *** What is a â€Å"protective† tariff? What does it protect? Items manufactured in the US from foreign competition. c. List the three main elements of Henry Clay’s 1824 proposal for an â€Å"American System† of federal support for internal development.Republicans considered this proposal unconstitutional. A strong banking system, that would provide a abundant credit. A protective tariff, for eastern manufacturing would flourish. More roads and canals, more in the Ohio Valley. 3. Monroe, Sectionalism, and the Missouri Compromise (pp. 242–246) a. The Panic of 1819 was caused largely by over speculation in western lands. (Note that financial panic, or economic depression, is a recurring theme that you will observe occurring every twenty to thirty years or so.Many consider it the â€Å"curse of capitalism. † Yet another recurring theme introduced here for the first time is the sectional controversy between North and South over the admission of new states as slave or free— a question which was primarily one of political and economic power, but which increasingly took on a moral character leading to the Civil War. ) With its booming population, the North was gaining power in the House of Representatives by 1820, while the South was only able to retain equal power in the South.New states east of the Mississippi had been admitted alternately slave and free to keep a balance, but Missouri, the first new state to be carved out of the Louisiana Purchase, threatened to upset this balance. What were the three elements of the 1820 Missouri Compromise fashioned by Henry Clay? Missouri as a slave state. The Free-soil Maine All future bondage was prohibited in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase north of the line of 36 degree 30 and the southern boundary of Missouri. 4. Nationalism and the Supreme Court (pp. 47–251) Because he was its first major interpreter, the authors call Chief Justice John Marshall the principal â€Å"Molding Father† of the Constitution. In the case of McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819), Marshall used Hamilton’s â€Å"Loose construction† of the Constitution to declare the Bank of the U. S. constitutional because Congress had the right to do anything â€Å"necessary and proper† to carry out its functions. Also, the federal government today influences many aspects of our lives (like me at inspection and product labeling, for example) through a drastic expansion of its constitutional power to control interstate commerce.Marshall first strengthened this interpretation in the 1824 â€Å"steamboat† case of Gibbons v. Ogden. 5. Expansion and the Monroe Doctrine (pp. 251–255) a. The expansionist President Monroe (1817-1825) and his Secretary of State John Quincy Adams concluded a treaty with Britain in 1818 which allowed for the joint occupation of the Oregon Territory. With Spanish troops occupied by revolutionary wars to the south, General Andrew Jackson swept across Florida leading to its ultimate â€Å"purchase† by the U. S. in 1819 b.Worried that other European powers would take the place of Spain in the Western Hemisphere, the now-famous â€Å"Monroe Doctrine† was issued in 1823 Its two principles were: (1) Noncolonization: The era of colonization in the Americas had ended and uniting season was closed. (2) Nonintervention: Monroe direc ted the crowned heads of Europe to keep their monarchical systems out of this hemisphere. *** What do you think of the Monroe Doctrine? It allowed for the US to prosper on its own. By what authority, if any, was it issued? National authority

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Functional Immunity

This type of immunity arises from  customary international law  and  treaty law  and confers immunities on those performing acts of state (usually a foreign official). Any person who in performing an act of state commits a criminal offence is immune from prosecution. This is so even after the person ceases to perform acts of state. Thus it is a type of immunity limited in the acts to which it attaches (acts of state) but will only end if the state itself ceases to exist.This type of immunity is based on respect for sovereign equality and state dignity. The offices usually recognised as attracting this immunity are Head of State or Head of Government, senior cabinet members, Foreign Minister, and Minister for Defence: see the  Arrest Warrant Case,Pinochet Case  (R v Bow Street Magistrates; ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No 3)  [2000] 1 AC 147, House of Lords).Such officers are immune from prosecution for everything they do during their time in office. For example, an English court held that a warrant could not be issued for the arrest of  Robert Mugabe  on charges of international crimes on the basis that he was a presently serving Head of State at the time the proceedings were brought:  Mugabe, reported at (2004) 53 ICLQ 789. Other examples are the attempts to prosecute  Fidel Castro  in Spain and  Jiang Zemin  in the USA.However, the moment accused leaves office, they are liable to be prosecuted for crimes committed before or after their term in office, or for crimes committed whilst in office in a personal capacity (subject to jurisdictional requirements and local law). Pinochet  was only able to come to trial because Chile and the UK had both signed and ratified the UN Convention Against Torture through which such immunities were waived. It may be the case that personal immunity is itself being eroded.In 2004 the Appeals Chamber of the  Special Court for Sierra Leone  held that indicted Liberian president  Charles Taylor  cou ld not invoke his Head of State immunity to resist the charges against him, even though he was an incumbent Head of State at the time of his indictment. However, this reasoning was based on the construction of the court's constituent statute, that dealt with the matter of indicting state officials. In any case, Taylor had ceased to be an incumbent Head of State by the time of the court's decision so the arresting authorities would have een free to issue a fresh warrant had the initial warrant been overturned. Nevertheless, this decision may signal a changing direction in international law on this issue. Recent developments in international law suggest that this type of immunity, whilst it may be available as a defence to prosecution for local or domestic crimes or civil liability, is not a defence to an international crime. (International crimes include  crimes against humanity,  war crimes, and  genocide).This has developed in the jurisprudence of the International Criminal T ribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, particularly in the  Karadzic,  Milosevic, and  Furundzija  cases (though care should be taken when considering ICTY jurisprudence due to its  Ad-hoc  nature). This was also the agreed position as between the parties in their pleadings in the  International Court of Justice  Case Concerning the Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium).The reasons commonly given for why this immunity is not available as a defense to international crimes is straight forward: (1) that is genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity are not acts of state. Criminal acts of the type in question are committed by human actors, not states; and (2) we cannot allow the  jus cogens  nature of international crimes, i. e. the fact that they are  non-derogable  norms, to be eroded by immunities. However, the final judgment of the ICJ regarding immunity may have thrown the existence of such a rule limiting functional immunities into doubt.See in this respect the criticism of the ICJ's approach by Wouters, Cassese and Wirth among others, though some such as Bassiouni claim that the ICJ affirmed the existence of the rule. Regarding claims based on the idea that a senior state official committing International crimes can never be said to be acting officially, as Wouters notes â€Å"This argument, however, is not waterproof since it ignores the sad reality that in most cases those crimes are precisely committed by or with the support of high-ranking officials as part of a state’s policy, and thus can fall within the scope of official acts. Academic opinion on the matter is divided and indeed only the future development of International Customary law, possibly accelerated by states exercising  universal jurisdiction  over retired senior state officials, will be able to confirm whether state sovereignty has now yielded partially to internationally held human rights values.In November 2007 , French prosecutors refused to press charges against former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for torture and other alleged crimes committed during the course of the US invasion of Iraq, on the grounds that heads of state enjoyed official immunity under customary international law, and they further claimed that the immunity exists after the official has left office. [1]

Thursday, November 7, 2019

George Washingtons Imapact on Black Relations essays

George Washingtons Imapact on Black Relations essays George Washington's Impact on Black Relations During the Colonial Era there was much debate regarding slavery. The north was primarily against slavery while the south was economically dependent on slavery. When colonist started to settle North America they had come from England for religious and political freedom. Many were subsistence farmers (raising just enough food to survive on, with perhaps a little surplus to sell or trade). There was no need for slaves. Later, in Virginia indentured servants were being used by land owners. These people could not pay their own way to the new world, so land owners would pay their way to the new world and the indentured servants would work four to seven years without pay for the person who paid their passage. Later, in the 1600's, fewer indentured servants were coming to the colonies and planters were in need of workers. To solve the problem, planters adopted slavery. Under this system, workers belonged to their owners for life. Plantation owners from the south began buying sla ves from Africa in large numbers. There were also some slaves in the northern colonies but, most of the colonist in the north were still subsistence farmers. Religious convictions did not condone one man owning another man or his family for life. When George Washington was born in 1732 slavery was already over one hundred years old. "In 1743 George Washington inherited ten slaves at his fathers death (Washington Post)." By the time of his own death he owned over three hundred slaves. George Washington's plantation, Mount Vernon, was in Virginia, and it still stands today. Virginia was considered a southern colony during this time. Although George Washington did own slaves there are many documented accounts of him expressing his disapproval of slavery. George Washington had owned slaves from the time he was eleven years old. He did not start speaking out against slavery until later in life and during...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Research methods - Essay Example The proto-typical qualitative study is the ethnography which helps the reader understands the definitions of the situation of those studies† (Aukerman, pp. 1, 2010). The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the various methods and techniques of research. The research methods for both kinds of researches have their limitations and strengths. Quantitative research methods are usually in relation with experimental methodologies involving statistical analysis. On the other hand, qualitative research methodologies facilitate researchers in assessing and analyzing social and cultural phenomena. There are many methods available for the collection of qualitative data, each with its own strengths and limitations. Researchers make choices about research methods depending on a number of factors, such as level (e.g., social or community or personal), availability of time, financial resource availability, and cultural or situational suitability (e.g., type of interaction, privacy requirements, and literacy). All kinds of qualitative research together with ethnography are under characterization by their commitment to learn and understand the viewpoints of others. They focus on behaviors and try to derive meanings from their observations (Schensul, pp. 1-3, 2008). In case of qualitative research, the commonly used methods include observations, interviews, focused group discussion and ethnographic survey. Observation is essential to good qualitative research. This method is very useful for the collection of various sorts of behavioral or interactional data. The collection of observational data from open-ended (a search for pattern) to closed and coded (a search for pattern confirmation) ranges. The observations can be in the form of recording the behaviors and patterns as participant observer or more focused systematic and structured forms of observation. Good qualitative researchers usually employ

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Throughout This semester you will work in a small group(maximum four Essay

Throughout This semester you will work in a small group(maximum four persons)to analyse the strategic activates and decisions of - Essay Example The importance of location when expanding internationally is further verified through the study of Luo (2000). According to the above researcher, the expansion of each firm internationally is likely to be influenced by three factors: ‘ownership advantages of a firm, location advantages of a market, and advantages related to the internal processes of a firm’ (Luo 2000, p.103-104). It is made clear that choosing the appropriate location can affect the internationalization efforts of a firm, depending on the existence of increased or decreased location advantages in regard to the country chosen. According to Neelankavil (2007) choosing the appropriate country for entry is quite important due to the following reason: the selection of an inappropriate country for entry ‘can lead to severe damages on a firm’s performance while the time period required for recovering from such damages can be quite long’ (Neelankavil 2007, p.82). ... This means that the location chosen should secure the achievement of the above target, even in the long term (Ebner 2011). China meets the above term; the country’s population is quite high and the demand of products of such type, i.e. of products related to the nutrition of babies, is quite high, as also analyzed below. 3.2.2 Geographic distance When reviewing the appropriateness of a country as a target market emphasis should be also given to the distance between the home market and the target market (Tallman 2007). Indeed, ‘geographic distance’ (Tallman 2007, p.295) is often regarded as a factor that can highly influence the success of a product in a new market (Tallman 2007). Developing strategic alliances locally can be an excellent method for limiting the risks related to such initiatives (Tallman 2007, p.295). 3.2.3 Local demand for similar products The level of demand of products of similar characteristics is critical for choosing the location of a firmâ⠂¬â„¢s international expansion. In the case under examination the choice of China as a target market for Aptamil Power milk can be characterized as fully justified. In terms of its economy China ranks among the most powerful countries worldwide. In a report published by Economist (2013) emphasis is given to the power of the Chinese economy but also to the threats that the particular economy has to face since it is mainly ‘consumer – led’ (The Economist 2013). For Aptamil Power milk the Chinese market seems to be an excellent destination due to the following two reasons: a) the demand for products of the particular type is quite high in China (BBC News 2013), b) a recent scandal related to the quality of such

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The woman warrior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The woman warrior - Essay Example However, the actualization of her tales represents Maxine living the life of the persona. She uses her position as a warrior to interject her personal and familial experiences to the discriminations of the communist rule in China. In the second section of the chapter, she uses her position to lift the cultural gap portrayed by Chinese emigrants in America under the realm of Chinese Revolution. The significance of the changing roles of women in White Tigers as depicted by Fa Mu Lan represents the conventionalism and flexibility for women to pursue a man’s life. Whatever a man can do, a woman can do, is the typical representation of the diversity of female roles in the story. She manages to maintain her family (her husband and child) and simultaneously takes on her community against authoritarianism. The role of Fa Mu Lan in the context differs with the real actualization and impersonation of her as a man warrior. She wears the traditional male armor, and having an entire battalion of traditional warriors to lead the fight against communists. She undergoes intense training in a secluded place and starves herself to attain warrior-like aspects need to sustain her role to protect her community, strategies that a typical woman cannot withhold. According to Kingston, Fa Mu Lan, having an honorable death due to social status does not determine the ideology of death. Barons and the communists’ status quo in the traditional Chinese community represented dictatorial leadership and demand honorary respect from the subjects. However, Fa refutes this stereotype by defeating the communists’ and beheading the lead baron. With her sword, she slashes the head off and leaves the baron to die. Her sword represents the continuation of the fight against societal alienation from changes in revolution (Helena 23). The use of the forest as a spatial convenience of warrior training is used as a traditional setting that induces

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How democracy is related to economic development Essay

How democracy is related to economic development - Essay Example Marx gave as example the histories of both England and France proved that economic development brought about democracy. Marx and his loyal fans, both within the bourgeoisie class, owned property and engaged in business as capitalists and entrepreneurs. Consequently, the bourgeoisie class led to the toppling of the prior authoritarian government, a replacement transition mode (Sfsu, 2014). The toppling resulted to the creation of democratic governments. The prior government was toppled because its policies ran smack against the very grain of laissez faire or free enterprise business concepts, based on transition theories (Sfsu, 2014). Likewise, Max Weber insisted that the fall of the profitability or viability of the bourgeoisie leaders to retain the economic development led to the destruction of the German democratic government. In the same light, Moore espoused the peasants contributed to the establishment of democratic government. The philosophers had espoused economic development leads to a better political communication environment. Further, Laothamatas adhered to Mr. S M. Lipset’s emphasis that an economically developed society will trigger the people to push for the implementation of a democratic state. The above article affirms the concept indicating economic development leads to viable democracy. M. K. Marx affirmed this concept. The bourgeoisie helped establish the economically viable democracy movements. Economic development priorities often led to free political elections within a democratic government. The reading affirms economic development contributes to the establishment and retention of democracy (Lipset, 1959, p 75). The economic wealth or status of the nation affects the nation’s democratic aspirations. Compared to a nation that is burdened with a low or bankrupt economy, a well to do nation (rich) has a better

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Responsibilities of Health and Social Care Workplace

Responsibilities of Health and Social Care Workplace 1.2. Assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for the management of health and safety in relation to organisational structure. The business dictionary defines organisational structure as: The typically hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority, communications, rights and duties of an organization. Organizational structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows between the different levels of management. Chief executive/ directors/ managers /HR and supporting staffs Health and Safety Commission: The stakeholders and Directors will ensure that a Health and Safety Committee is established and supported. This committee will see to the development, implementation, arrangements of health and safety policies and procedures. They also ensure that the policies and procedures are undertaking and executed. This will be reasonable practicable without risk to the health and safety of those who engaged in, or affected by our operations. They ensure that the provision of this policy is kept under review with regard to changes in legislation, best practice. They propose new Health and Safety Regulations to the Secretary of State. Examples, Noise at work regulations 1989 the commissioner will ensure that a Health and Safety Committee is established and supported. They will come out with development and implementations, They will ensure that the policies and procedures are upheld and executed as reasonably practicable without risk to the health and safety of those carrying out operations. We maintain high standard in the management of health and safety, with the prevention of accidents, the provision of a safe working environment and the safeguarding of employees health wellbeing, it is everyones responsibility to ensure that maintain and achieve our set objectives. As an employer of labour, my organisation recognises the health, safety and the welfare of staff at work , guests , clients any contractors, so far as is realistically practicable. We are committed to the continuous improvement of our Health and Safety system, policies, procedures and methods of working that are designed to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all employees, visitors and anyone else who is likely to be affected by our work activities. COSHH Regulation 2002 stated that employers are responsible for providing, replacing and paying for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which should be used by all staff as part of health and safety at work. Health and Safety Committee All representatives sitting on the Health and Safety Committee are to actively promote all aspects of health and safety within the organisation and the areas of responsibility. In particular they are to encourage discussion and understanding of these policies and procedures. Our line Managers Our line Managers are expected to device a method of implementing the over all objectives by demonstrating a positive, proactive approach to health and safety, by certifying that this policy, together with its related procedures are clearly communicated to employees and then implemented, monitored and reviewed. Managers The managers will establish open communication with everyone they are responsible for and will promote any changes in the Health and Safety Policy. It is the responsibility of the Health and Safety Manager to ensure suitable arrangements are in place and implemented. Employees and others Employees and others involved in the organisations activities, have a responsibility to take care of their own health and safety at work and that of any other people who may be affected by their acts. All training provided must be attended by the staff. They are required to conform with this policy and the related corporate procedures that are provided to them. They are to carry out their work without endangering themselves or others. Proactively contribute in the achievement of the organisation objectives of achieving a positive health and safety culture and to co-operate with line managers and colleagues in creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment. The staff must bring it to the consideration of line managers attention if there are any health and safety worries regarding unsafe practices, equipment or conditions we are encouraged to use the consultation channels provided, when necessary. We are to assist management in identifying any issues of health and safe ty including getting trained. All significant health and safety information will be circulated appropriately, making use of notice boards, poster, and newsletters or by direct mail. Where activities could affect the health and safety of members of the public, suitable steps will be taken to ensure they are up-to-date of the risks and how they will be measured; wherever possible, it is the wish of the organisation to establish effective consultation with the workforce to safeguard planned systems of work are effective in reducing employee exposure to risk. In conclusion, we all are working together as professionals fully committed to the health and safety principles which enable the organisation to promote high standard of health and safety policy in the organisation. Everyone in the organisation is responsible for reporting and recording all incidents/accidents that happen within the workplace. It is the responsibilities of the client if they are to communicate to report to staff or management and it is the responsibility of the staff to report the incident /accidents to his/her line manager. It is responsibility of the manager to record the incidents/accident s and to report all serious incidents /accidents to the authorities according RIDDOR Regulations 2013 1.3 Analyse health and safety priorities appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace. The Creation of Health and Safety at Work Regulations1999 require every employer to provide employees with information on the possible risks to their health and safety; preventive and protective methods for those risks; backup procedures to identify individuals who have a role within the organisations health and safety controlling system. This contains giving employees information on any process or task that might involve specific risk. This information must be broad and it must make sense to individuals concerned. Codes of Practice and other guidance notes should be made accessible, as well as the organisations own clarification in the form of policies and procedures. This means that data should be constantly reviewed and revised according to modern working practices. The duties of my employer, what they must do regarding my health and safety. Most duties are subject to so far as is reasonably practicable i.e. the protection must be worth the cost. To protect the health, safety and welfare of staff, to provide and maintain safe equipment and safe systems of work, safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances. Safe workplace with a safe entrance and exit.   Provide information, instruction, training and supervision Provide a written safety policy (if there are 5 or more staff) Carry out risk assessments (in writing if 5 or more staff) Provide a health and safety law poster entitled Health and Safety law: What you should know displayed in a prominent position and containing details of the enforcing authority. Employee includes voluntary workers and persons on work experience. Employees The employees duties is to take care of themselves and others To follow safety advice and instructions Not interfere with any safety device To report accidents To report hazards and risks. Staff can ask about health and safety in the work place directly from their managers or the Yours supervisor will usually be your first contact if you have a health and safety issue at work. Your safety representative may come from the union if the workplace is unionised If you have a serious complaint that cannot be settled in the workplace, the Inspector from health and safety executive (HSE) Food hygiene Enforcement: Food safety is one of the areas that health and safety pays close attention to being that majority of clients are vulnerable due to age and health challenging. This means they can be more seriously affected by food poisoning or allergy than some other group of people. As a care provider, food preparation is part of normal day to day services seeing that they are taking care of by following the guidelines under the food and hygiene law for ensuring that food is prepared, stored and handled in compliance with the food hygiene regulations. This includes keeping a record of opened food jars and emptying food from tins with the correct labelling actions are carried out to keep food safe for the maximum time located . According to the Food Standards Agency, the group charged with protecting the public in the United Kingdom with regard to food, avoiding cross-contamination between raw and ready-to-eat food is one of the most important aspects of food hygiene. Separate knives and cutting boa rds must be used for the different foods. Raw food must be stored below other food in the refrigerator to prevent drips that could contain bacteria. Food must be chilled to the proper temperature at all times and must be cooked to a temperature that kills bacteria. Disinfecting food preparation areas and cleaning used equipment also are important food hygiene practices. What the Law Says Keeping food safe is a legal requirement and failure to do so can lead to prosecution. It is essential that food and drink provided in the community and hospital health care environment is managed and handled in a manner that it does not pose any risk to children, families, visitors or staff. All staff involved in working with food must ensure good food hygiene practices at all times. Under the Food Safety Act (GB 1990), water and ice are classed as food and therefore must be handled with the same good food hygiene practices as food. Failure to do so could result in a serious outbreak of food poisoning and potential loss of life. Managers must put in place food safety management procedures based on the principles of HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point). HACCP is a way of managing food safety. It is based on putting in place procedures to control hazards. In practice, this means that you must follow the procedures that have been put in place to manage food safety hazards in your Trust. The Health and Safety at Work Act HASAWA 1974, came the Manual Handling Operations regulations 1992 was reinforced in January 1993. Manual handling is a major source of injury and the HSE has provided a lot of guidance for employers on how to minimise risk involved in manual handling. Where it is not reasonably practicable to avoid the need for care workers to undertake any manual handling operations at work a risk assessment is done (Stretch Whitehouse, 2007) to plan and asses the weight of the service user we need to transfer while at the same time encouraging clients to move independently. In SMART care, we use the hoist but we also fully engage the client to do certain things he can do by himself. Example moving forward or backward etc. However, people can fall during hoisting for a variety of reasons such as using the wrong size of sling. This can result in discomfort if the sling is too small and a risk of the person slipping through the sling if it is too large. Selection of the wrong type of hoist or sling for the individual or for the specific task can result in inadequate support and increased risk of falling from the sling. For example, access/toileting slings give a great degree of access but very little support and their use should therefore be restricted to toileting purposes, where appropriate. For this and many reasons, the care workers in SMART care have taken short cuts and have ended up injuring their backs. On other occasion they have left a vulnerable person unattended in a hoist, or in a position where they might be at risk of falling. References www.businessdictionary.com/definition/communication www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/multimedia/pdfs/publication www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/lawpocketcard.htm http://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor www.safenetwork.org.uk/getting_started/pages Government Working together to Safeguard Children March 2010 www.businessdictionary.com/definition/communication www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/multimedia/pdfs/publication www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/lawpocketcard.htm http://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor www.ofsted.gov.uk www.safenetwork.org.uk/getting_started/pages

Friday, October 25, 2019

Communication Self-Analysis :: Communication

1. I just started working at a clothing store, and it was a great way for me to engage in new conversations and identify the elements that go into interpersonal communication. An essential to this conversation was that she was willing to take her time to get to know me and teach me how to do things, and I was able to listen. The following contexts existed in my conversation with a fellow girl coworker. The physical dimension was that we were at our workplace where it is dimly lit, there wasn’t a lot of people around, and we were surrounded by clothing. The temporal dimension was that it was nighttime when we were working so we were both tired, and I was a new employee whereas she had been working here for a long time and had more experience then I did. That also goes along with the social-psychological dimension in that we had a new relationship, she was in a higher rank then I was in our work, and the situation was friendly and easy going since we were just beginning to know each other. The cultural dimension came into play in that she is originally from Texas and I am from Utah. When she talked she had a slight southern accent and would use slang words like â€Å"ya’ll†, words that I usually don’t use. Noise had a big impact on the conversation as well. There was much physical noise around us from the loud music playing in the store, the sound of people walking the mall, the music playing in the mall, and other conversations going on around us. There wasn’t any obvious physiological noise, but there was psychological noise going on with myself as I wasn’t so focused on what she was saying and more worried about if I was doing my job right and in making a good first impression. Also, it was my first time meeting this person so I tried hard not to make any preconceived ideas about the girl. Semantic noise was the southern accent the girl had. When speaking to this girl I did realized how context and noise can influence the way a conversation goes. 2. One of my roommates just got a new boyfriend, and from the moment I met him my perception process told me that I wouldn‘t like this guy. The first thing I noticed about him was that he reeked of smoke and alcohol.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Calls for marijuana legalization

The debate on whether or not to legalize marijuana trade and consumption has been ranging on for a long time with calls for its total ban equally as loud as those that fight for its legalization. This debate a times takes a religious and an emotional perspective. This paper seeks to strengthen with factual support, the calls that support its legalization. It will give reasons behind those views as well as analyze the opposing sentiments. All this is in the believe that marijuana, if legalized, stands to be more beneficial to the society that the way it is today.My first argument towards legalization of marijuana will take an economic perspective. Billions of tax payer’s money is going to waste in the process of arresting and prosecuting people accused of consuming marijuana. This money should be channeled towards other important purposes like healthcare and providing education to our children (Barnett P.G 166-171).Every year in America, thousands of people are huddled in drug courts faced with all manner of charges ranging from consuming to trafficking marijuana, then handed undeserving sentences. Process requires millions of dollars. This is money that should be spent in giving counseling and treatment to the affected rather than trying to catch the few of the majority that smokes. It is apparent that our money is surely going to waste; the war against drugs has never been won and is not going to be won any time soon.The cost of maintaining prisoners arraigned in court over marijuana related cases each year is estimated at 1.2 billion dollars ever year. â€Å"This does not include the cost of investigating, arresting, a prosecuting and hundreds of thousands of marijuana users arrested every year† (Wayne Hall 7) this to me is a waste of scarce resources, money that otherwise should not be used had we legalized marijuana.Still in economics, the marijuana is a multibillion industry that continues to place food on the table for millions of people wor ld wide, illegally of course. I this industry can operate legally; it would be able to secure jobs to millions more as well as contributing billion of dollars through taxation. About 11 billion dollars would be gained from the tax. (Douglas Mc Ray58). The marketing of marijuana has its illegal form is left to black marketers this meaning that currently their proceeds go untaxed.Economic benefits of legalized marijuana will be two fold. First it will be from the funds saved from the efforts to suppress and eradicate its use and then secondly benefits arising form its taxation. Marijuana should be legalized, either way whether legalized or illegal consumption still takes place. There are no statistics available to indicate that its continued legal suppression over maybe the last 30 years has had any consequent impact. Prohibition does not decrease its use. Its popularity does not wane. Netherlands has done it. It’s a good case study that â€Å"marijuana legalization would not be the disaster that opponents say it would be† (Douglas Mc Kay29-32)Debate still rages on possible effects of legalizing marijuana on the health of the users. There are those who argue that it has adverse effects on health while others argue that the overall effects are insignificant. Without looking at the worst case scenarios and moderation cases, both studies indicate that there are no known risks associated with its overdose; possible side effects can only be exhibited in the behaviors of the user. (Douglas Mc Kay) these results indicate that marijuana use is not more hazardous than alcohol consumption unlimitedly.Tobacco use is equally harmful and yet it is legal. The reason why marijuana remains illegal is due to its peeved adverse effects on the users. The government in its social responsibility role has to limit its use/abuse. This to me is based on flimsy grounds. Alcohol and tobacco are also harmful, then why ban one poison and out rightly allow the usage of the oth er one. This is illegal.Marijuana decriminalization will allow people to explore the possible medicinal values it has.   Studies have shown, according to Baker D.(2003 561-567),that â€Å"cannnabinoids† (contained in marijuana) provide a novel therapeutic target, not only for controlling symptoms, but also slowing disease progression through inhibition of neurodeneration.† Disregarding its side effects, marijuana is hailed to have many therapeutic benefits like subsiding pain in cancer patients; it is basically used with pain and muscle stiffness in patients.Criminalization of marijuana literally closes these windows of research. Doctors and health experts are barred from researching with it or administering on any of their patients despite indications that it can effectively be used for medical purpose with only some mile side effects. We are making it inaccessible to millions of people out there who are maybe suffering form cancer and would want some relieve.This co untry boasts of respect and exercising fundamental freedoms for all persons. Freedom of worship is a key right that should be exercised by all and is guaranteed by the constitution. Rastafaricinism, a dominant faith in Jamaica openly advocates for marijuana usage citing its religious importance. Criminalization of marijuana clearly is in contravention of people right not only to exercise their right of worship but also their basic right to choice as long these choices do not affect others negatively.I believe it should be left to the respective individuals to make an informed choice on whether consume or not.   They should be left alone to exercise the individual liberty. People to, are left alone to choose on whether to drink or smoke, despite their known harms, people too, I think should be given leeway over marijuana.As I had noted earlier, the proponents of marijuana criminalization are equally vocal and belief they have solid reasons as to why the status quo should remain. Ma rijuana just like most drug is known to induce addictive tendencies, this is where it’s continued use results to the user being hooked to it to an extent that they are unable to function normally without it. I must say however, that addiction is not limited to marijuana alone alcohol, tobacco and also other prescribed drugs are known to cause addddiction even of a higher degree than cannabis.There is also the argument that it legalization is tantamount to sending a message especialy to underage that its consumption is indeed good. It will remove the stigma currently associated with it making it attracitve to most persons. Although this point contains some truth in it, legalization of cannabis in Netherlands failed to indicate this. Although there were a few new users, occassioned by its decriminalization, their numbers were not significantly high to warrant any concerns.Initial lifting of the ban would see maybe attraction of new users but this would later change as Clement k (1999,p49) says,..on the other hand,the disappearance of the forbidden fruits characteristics of marijuana would tend to lower consumption.†This waters down the argument that lifting the ban would see increased use.Marijuana too if allowed will lead to more expenses on the government to cope with its abuse. There will be increased allocations for the rehabs and medical facilities tao cope with its possible rampant usage. It would also mean more investments to cope with drug related crimes resulting from drug abuse. I must insist however, that findings doen do not ling marijuana to any violent crimes more than they do other drugs or specifically to alcohol. Also, a simple lsot benefit analysis refutes that the government stands to spend more on rehabs. By legalising it, any additional investment on rehabs is surpassed by the savings on marijuana policies and prosecutions in additional to the likely benefits emanating from taxes. (Aldrich, M. et al, 75-81).ConclusionThere is a n eed to review the current laws banning marijuana use in total.It is more beneficial to the general society and particularly the government.The benefits gained through taxation and employment creation surpasses the negative effects of rehabilitating the abusers.In addition too are the millions of dollars the federal government would save.The resources used to fight marijuana through prosecutions,arrests and maintaining thousands in jail would be rechanelled to other vital sectors.The benefits outweigh the costs,this should be the sole logic behind its legalisation.More benefits too stand to be reaped through the possible advances made in the medicine sector.It will see more research being done to establish ways in which marijuana can be used to ease pain in cancer patients as well as other medicinal values being explored.Works CitedAidriach, M. and T. uikuriya. â€Å"Savings in Carlifornia Marijuana law enforcement costsattributable to the Moscone Act of 1976†. Journal of Psyc hoactive drugs 20, 1998.75-81. Appraisals of the adverse health effects of cannabis use: Ideology andEvidence. June 1999.The FAS Drug policy Analysis Bulletin. Washington DC. Accessed on 3rd August 2007.https://fas.org/#3>Baker D. Pryce G. The therapeutic Potential of cannabis in multiple sclerosis. Expertopinion on investigations drugs. 2003, 561-567.Barnett, P.G. â€Å"The cost-effectiveness of substance abuse treatment†. Current psychiatryreports. 1999. 166-171.Thornton, M. â€Å"Prohibition US. Legalisation: Do Economists reach a conclusion of drug  policy? Ludwig Von Mises Institute 2002. pp.27Marijuana Legalisation: the time is now. 1998. The psycheditic Library home page.Clement K W; Daryal M.: The Economics of Marijuana Consumption.Crawley, Australia: University of Western Australia Economic Research center.1999, p 49.  indicate that marijuana resutls aviors of the user. ases, both studies indicate that there are no known risks associated with it