Sunday, February 16, 2020

Obama care or romney care.which care would you prefer and why (I Research Paper

Obama care or romney care.which care would you prefer and why (I prefer obama care) - Research Paper Example U.S. President Barack Obama offers the Obamacare as the health care for America while former Massachusetts Governor Romney offers the â€Å"Romneycare† healthcare program. It is very important that the healthcare program of the winning president favors the people. That it solves the long time problem of the state and benefits all the Americans. Many claim that Obamacare and Romneycare offer no difference. Though the two healthcare programs exhibit many similarities in their plan, they still hold key distinctions. These distinctions tend to show that Obamacare seems a lot more favorable to the American people. Healthcare programs concentrate on three main areas namely employer-provided insurance, Medicare for seniors and Medicaid for the poor. While both programs require individuals to purchase their own health insurance, they offer different plans on Medicare. Romney offers a â€Å"premium support† method of paying health insurance while Obama opposes it and plans to cut the health budget while maintaining the healthcare benefits. Obama plans to cut $716 billion from health budget by reducing reimbursement to health care providers and cutting overpayments to health insurance companies (Burd). In the long run, Obama’s healthcare program can actually improve the healthcare system of the U.S. and its whole economy. While providing quality Medicare to its people, a large amount of money will be saved from cutting the healthcare budget that goes into waste. This will also solve one of the country’s biggest financial problems. In addition, Romney claims that Obamacare is an inappropriate Healthcare program for the country and promises to replace it with his own Romneycare program. But then again, the Romneycare program includes many conditions that seem to be non-beneficial to its people. One of which is the Medicaid program which tends to provide health insurance subsidy for

Sunday, February 2, 2020

See attachment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

See attachment - Coursework Example The concept of the noble savage was established in the 1830s to explain a person who is not corrupted by civilization. During the 17th century, this term was used to show the deception involved in civilization. It holds a long-term concept of the inherent goodness of uncorrupted man. Bacon’s rebellion was a short lived rebellion headed by Nathaniel Bacon in colonial Virginia because of high taxes, lack of voting rights, and low prices for tobacco. Bacon formed an army on this quest and became a hero after which he was elected. A peace treaty was signed as a result. Frederick Douglass was born a slave but escaped at the age of 20 to become a reformer and a writer. He is known for his efforts against slavery and was influential in the abolition of slavery. He was the first African American to be nominated for American vice presidency. Manifest destiny was a belief, during the 19th century, that Americans had a destiny of expanding worldwide. This began the issue of western settlement, war with the Mexicans and removal of Native Americans. Settlements led to effects felt even today. Cherokee nation is a nation of three federally recognized tribes in the U.S. These tribes blocked Georgia from attempting to increase its territory into theirs. The move was blocked through legislative action during the 1830s. This nation has a government that is elected democratically and headed by Principal Chief. The Nat Turner Rebellion was led by a slave by the name of Nat Turner. Turner led a group of followers into a rebellion in 1831. During the rebellion, at least 60 white men, women, and children were killed. Later on, he was arrested and was executed along with 16 of his followers and the incident remained in the minds of Americans ever since. The U.S Congress passed this law in 1850. It was part of the 1850 compromise. The law required escaped