Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Music and Middle Ages Essay Example For Students

Music and Middle Ages Essay What are the Hurricane tunes? For what reason would they say they are significant? - Its an assortment of music ornamented in cuneiform in a mud tablet. In those days , It was essential to show youthful guys or females how to play then today. 2. What is the Natty Shasta? For what reason is it significant? - Its an Indian treat that perform workmanship, encompassing music , theater , and move. For Indians since its an exhibition, Its imperative to show culture and what kind of music they tune in to. 3. Who were troubadours? How was their music? - It was a gathering of arrangers and entertainers of a verse around the time 1100-1350 in he Middle Ages. Their kind of music is scandalous and wicked tunes of adoration. 4. What are the modes in Western music? Depict in any event one mode in Western music. They are a progression of pitches that are generally used to play music. One model would be Lydia. 5. What is polyphonic music? How can it contrast from monophonic music? - Is a music that utilizes at least one autonomous tunes. The distinctions were Monophonic was vanquished in the beginning of the medieval times and in different hands , Poly. Was popular and was utilized all the more regularly. Basic Thinking Questions 6. For what reason did early people create music? What are a portion of the manners in which that they were thought to make music? - The Early people expanded the music to a copy tone and sound they heard. It was to help nearby with people and Most of the manners in which they conceptualized to make or make music was utilizing their voice. 7. For what reason is the investigation of ancient and old music significant? What would we be able to gain from it? - It was significant on the grounds that they for the most part revealed proof that was associated with music and how music was impacted by them today. Music and Middle Ages By Mister-Ajax c:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Modernism Mrs. Dalloway and Rhapsody on a Windy Night Essay Example

Innovation: Mrs. Dalloway and Rhapsody on a Windy Night Essay During the late nineteenth and mid twentieth century, the Modernist development scrutinized the social, ideological and various leveled ideal models of society. This development is focused, as depicted by Marshall Berman, around the essential state of consistent change. For example, the outcome of the war, new innovations, the ascent of associations, woman's rights and the independent man. This hypothesis of the state of Modernism is investigated through Virginia Woolfs epic, Mrs Dalloway, and Rhapsody on a Windy Night by T. S Eliot. Inside these writings, the peruser is situated to scrutinize the results of the inflexible class framework when confronted with a developing world, where social merriments come to the detriment of enthusiastic prosperity and, the individual’s attention to steady change as far as the progression of time and the ramifications of understanding one’s own mortality. Woolf’s epic Mrs Dalloway thinks about the determents of exacting social frameworks inside society. A. D. Ill humored portrays in, Virginia Woolf, the motivation of the privileged to get some distance from the upsetting profundities of feeling, and towards a customary agreeableness. Woolf satirically romanticizes Lady Bexborough who â€Å"opened a bazaar, they stated, with the wire in her grasp, John, her top pick, murdered. This restraint of feeling, is inbuilt into privileged culture, is addressed as it faces a changing world which presents new circumstances which depend on passionate association. Septi mus, because of his childhood, values his response to Evens demise, congratulat[ing] himself after inclination next to no and sensibly. The peruser is then situated, through a redundancy of urgency, to identify and perceive the disservices to Septimus psychological wellness because of this passionate separation. Sir William Bradshaw typifies this various leveled desire, explicitly inside the clinical field, of a good ways from enthusiastic connection. His treatment of Septimus is the same as the treatment of some other patient, Proportion, divine extent, Sir Williams goddess. Woolfs lexical decision in perfect and goddess, centers around the sacred implications. We will compose a custom article test on Modernism: Mrs. Dalloway and Rhapsody on a Windy Night explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Modernism: Mrs. Dalloway and Rhapsody on a Windy Night explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Modernism: Mrs. Dalloway and Rhapsody on a Windy Night explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The celestial procedure comes to the detriment of Septimus and Rezias passionate government assistance and relationship. The social standards of various leveled systemsare incapable to manage the changing setting of the war, and forestall human association. Disintegration of connections is investigated further through Clarissa and Richards communications. Richard, regardless of being particularly infatuated, can't impart his connection to Clarissa, Partly ones lethargic; incompletely ones timid. As Richard considers the condition of his general public, he remarks that the issue wasnt in them ut in our awful social framework. His social discourse on whores reflects the reader’s response to Richard. We are situated to neither abhorrence nor reprimand him for his failure to communicate his adoration, yet to accuse the social framework where he has been influenced. The way of life of various leveled frameworks which forestalls human connectedness leaves people disengaged and addre ssing customary normalities. This Modernist interrogating is in a general sense brought regarding by the discontinuity and bafflement of society, which can't join when confronting a universe of consistent change. Similarly that class pecking orders are an abusive power in Mrs Dalloway, T. S. Eliot investigates urbanization as the reason for the restraint of common impulse and. As the changing scene presents a quicker paced urban way of life, one battles to look after soundness. Song on a Windy Night portrays the feline which benefits from smelly margarine and the desolate moon with smallpox breaks. Normal symbolism is mutilated into a negative light however the infected meanings of smelly and smallpox. The romanticized thought of a twilight walk is at juxtaposition with the predominant pictures of skeletons and shadowy geraniums. Endless suburbia, similar to the fasten of the social framework, can't adapt to the pace of progress because of experiencing nighttime smells, the speaker says cross and cross, as the aromas bring back various memories. Anyway this term likewise suggests a strict penance or weight, as the range of urbanization comes at the expense of the speaker’s satisfaction . This destabilization of the speaker’s mind is a Modernist concern which comes from social orders powerlessness to manage â€Å"constant change. † Innovation is investigated through Woolfs composing, as a condition achieved by the attention to changing time and mortality. Virginia Woolf, as an individual from the Bloomsbury Group approached an assortment of thinkers works, including that of Sigmund Freud. His idea of Thanatos thinks about all natural life to contain an inclination to reestablish a previous situation. Also called a demise intuition, it drives individuals towards death so as to come back to a feeling of harmony. The impact of this hypothesis is instilled into Mrs Dalloway. The progression of time towards death is mapped relentlessly by Big Ben. The sound that flood[s] her room devours everything; life is helpless before time. Large Ben is as though a youngster, solid, impassive, impolite, swinging hand weights along these lines and that. The exemplification of the clock tower deliberately intruding on society, represents time itself which rules imperviously over everything. Be that as it may, Woolf differentiates the exacting estimation of outside time, with the intemperate idea of inside time. The characters can encounter life inside themselves, at a rate outside the controls of the clock. Clarissa exemplifies this trademark by taking an everyday item, for example, a move of tweed, and relating it to her father[who] purchased his suits [there] for a long time. This utilization of non-direct structure and continuous flow passes on how every individual reacts to an attention to the lessening of life. As Clarissa fear[s] time itself, she endeavors to understand her world and the inevitable end of life, which is the nearness of her Thanatos. † Later inside the novel, Clarissas response to Septimuss self destruction is sure. She feels happy at his choice, for â€Å"‘twere now to be generally glad. In spite of the underlying shaking nature of her reaction, the crowd is urged to comprehend passing embrace[s] a person whose joy would be undermined proceeding with life. Along these lines we perceive how the unending coherence of time presses upon a people mindfulness, with the goal that they have a consideration of mortality and innovator beliefs. Time, as an unpre ventable nearness, is also investigated in Rhapsody on a Windy Night. As restrict to Big Ben estimating the progression of time, each streetlamp that [the speaker] pass[es] thumps like a fatalistic drum. Once more, embodiment is utilized to enhance the burden of times progression upon the person. This burden is made more grounded through the possibility that the streetlamps, which represent time, are the ones instructing the speakers activities. First to respect that lady, and respect the moon, until at long last rest, plan forever. After which the speaker hails the last spot of the blade. The hint being that just in obviousness are we completely alive, relating back the Freudian idea of Thanatos, ones inbuilt instinctual drive towards death. Thusly we can perceive how Rhapsody on a Windy Night, correspondingly to Mrs Dalloway, investigates how the steady changing and taking a break, makes their very own individual mindful mortality inside a Modernist develop. All in all, the Modernist time frame which is investigated inside Mrs Dalloway, by Woolf and Rhapsody on a Windy Night, by T. S. Eliot, manages the essential state of steady change. It investigates change regarding society and society, and how those progressions are not managed by the class framework and urbanization of society. Lastly it manages change as far as the congruity of time and the nearness of mortality.

Monday, July 27, 2020

I had a terrible week

I had a terrible week Bluntly put, this was the worst week of my life. Geez! you say. Thats a harsh claim. Perhaps you might soften it down until its fluffy like a throw pillow*. Alright: Lets just say that the week of October 19th left much to be desired. I will elaborate on the details of “much” once I finish therapy. *Recently, someone I was talking to managed to gently massage this phrase (“fluffy like a throw pillow”) into a conversation of otherwise forgettable nature, by which I mean that I completely forgot the rest of it ten minutes later. I was completely hooked on the colloquial fruitiness of the phrase as soon as it reached my ears, resplendent in its evocations of tacky yet luxurious department-store sofas. Of course, you can barely tell how wonderful of an idiom it makes just from reading my comparatively-dry prose: imagine someone saying it with a gangsta inflection, perhaps in a context that makes absolutely no sense. Like: “Yo, its raining so hard, my shoes are fluffy like a throw pillow.” See? Pure, vernacular magic. Anyway, back to how much my week sucked. Three weeks, 13 Nobel Prizes, my friends semi-spontaneous wedding (featuring a hat parade, an Ethiopian feast, vegan carrot cake, and the coolest farm-owning Canadian grandma Ive ever met on this side of the Mississippi), a trip to NYC, three midterms, two papers, Windows 7, three nights of cooking dinner for 30, 105 miles of running, and a lot of Barack Obama have happened since the last time I blogged. The same amount of time has passed since the last night when I slept more than 6.5 hours. Now that I think about it, I dont even sleep while I blog, usually. Fantastic thing about MIT, #261: Sure, youre miserable on weeks like, say-for-instance-hypothetically-speaking-of-course, October 19-23. On the bright side, its the best miserable experience ever. If MIT is the Disneyworld of misery, then I rode all the rides this week and didnt even have to wait in line. If you asked me about how I felt last week on a scale of 1-10, I would have said negative 15 +/-2. On the other hand, if youd asked me how I felt about feeling like negative 15 +/-2, I would have given you a solid 9.5 and then offered to adjust my answers if you paid me 20 bucks for taking your survey*. *Fantastic thing about MIT, #262, is that you quickly learn to not take surveys unless theres a predicted payoff of at least $10, with exceptions for course evaluation surveys that give you free excuses to complain about your life. If Im not mistaken, there was a 3.091 class survey last year that automatically deposited $15 into the TechCash account of every student that participated (and theres 500-600 people enrolled in 3.091). 15 bucks! I could have bought 1/15th of the class textbook with that fortune! Anyway, back to my misery. It was rhythmic. I woke up every morning at 7 am dressed in a fresh layer of panic, bolted outside in 40-degree wind chill, ran several miles, made breakfast and French-pressed coffee, went to school, did work, went home, did work, went to my Black Studies class and talked about the Black Panthers, did work, went to 8.07, worked on 8.07 in the basement of the library, went home, roasted chickpeas and cauliflower, did work, socialized, went to bed, repeat five times and jump to coda. Over the torturous course of the Week from Heck (am I allowed to say this on the blogs, Matt?), I sludged through oodles of problems. Problems involving relativistic point charges, floating blocks oscillating underneath a dripping faucet, magnetic dipole radiation, proper time in an accelerating reference frame, the Maxwell Stress Tensor (stress makes me tense too! I need to stop making this pun until I pass 8.07), and electron/positron pair formation. But never did I satisfactorily solve the deeper problem of why I cared. Perhaps I never will, but let me tell you what Ive figured out so far: Insight is indistinguishable from imagination. Like all alliterative statements, this is probably profound. Take the example of a mass on a (massless, frictionless) spring. You compress it. In Soviet Russia, spring compresses you! By which I mean that it oscillates. A hummingbird of energy hovers in the liminal space between opposing forces, lingering persistently. (Can you spot the bad pun? Hint: Sho!) You imagine a metaphor for your spring. Its a metaphor that looks like this: You imagine an infinite number of masses, connected by an infinite number of springs. It looks like this: (If youve ever tried untangling one of these, you know what I mean by infinite.) Like all reasonable things, your string of infinite springs despise second derivatives. Gently you pluck a second derivative into its limber form, and it responds with a violent, burning hatred for you and all your posterity. In Soviet Russia, string second-derivates you! By which I mean that it snaps back with a second derivative in time. You pull out your pencil and scratch out a new metaphor: After twisting your imagination up a ladder of metaphors, the waves rippling along the string become rays of light propagating through space at 3*10^8 m/s. Somehow, in the grind of a pencil on paper, youve crystallized the subtleties of energy. In truth, the process of squeezing a physics problem through layers of abstraction is a frolic in playgrounds of tedium. Which is why I had a great week, even though it was terrible. On a happier note, did I mention that I went to New York City for an all-expenses-paid 23-hour field trip with my Black Studies class? Legitimately speaking, my homework was walking around Harlem, eating soul food, appreciating Black Panther art, visiting the African Burial Grounds, downing a plate of conch at a Haitian diner, and sitting through a production of Hair. Fantastic. It was a journey of self-discovery in the sense that I uncovered a secret fondness for plantains. I attempted to become a critically-acclaimed street photographer in the meantime. The first step to a Pulitzer is to set your camera to greyscale. (At the African Burial Grounds, where a student pays respect to the history of African Americans in New York by, um, looking up. I guess.) The ironic part is that I tried to make this entry sound angsty, but it ended up being fluffy like a throw pillow.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Historical Development of Nursing - 1381 Words

Running head: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING 1 Historical Development of Nursing Valerie Spalding Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR 513 May 31, 2014 Dr. Noura Kassis HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING 2 Historical Development of Nursing The development of nursing has made giant leaps throughout the last century. Starting with Florence Nightingale, the history of nursing will be discussed. A few significant events, theories and theorists will be depicted. In addition, the relationship between nursing science and the profession will be described. Moreover, the influences on nursing science of other disciplines will be mentioned. Because nursing has a plethora of history and†¦show more content†¦Comprised of theory of self care, self care deficit, and nursing system; nursing care becomes necessary when the patient is unable to fulfill biological, psychological, developmental or social needs (George, 2011). This was the conceptual model used at the nursing school I attended. Another theorist that I admire from the 1970’s is Betty Neuman. From the principles of her psychological background, Neuman’s theory states that interaction with internal and external environment embracing the whole client system can affect an individual (Neuman amp; Fawcett, 2011). Simply stated, reduce stress. The 1980’s provided expansion and revision to many nursing theories based on research findings (George, 2011). Further research and broadening of nursing theories continued into the 1990’s and the 21st century (George, 2011). As technology and cultures advance, so will the need for additional research and nursing theory expansion. With more awareness of a multicultural society and multicultural needs, it is evident that diversity has had an impact on nursing theory (George, 2011). According to George (2011), diversity of theoretical thought is the focus guiding the discipline of nursing in research and evidence-based practice in the 21st century. Nursing Science and the Profession Nursing science is directly related to nursing as a profession. The definition of science is knowledge acquired through experience, and the definition ofShow MoreRelatedHistorical Development of Nursing1368 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING 1 Historical Development of Nursing Valerie Spalding Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR 513 May 31, 2014 Dr. Noura Kassis HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING 2 Historical Development of Nursing The development of nursing has made giant leaps throughout the last century. Starting with Florence Nightingale, the history of nursing will be discussed. A few significant events, theories and theoristsRead MoreHistorical Development of Nursing1413 Words   |  6 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline International Council of Nurses (ICN) definition of nursing is - â€Å"collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of disease, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are alsoRead MoreThe Historical Development of Nursing1308 Words   |  6 PagesThe Historical Development of Nursing Timeline University of Phoenix Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR/513 Alexandra Winter December 7, 2013 The Historical Development of Nursing Timeline The nursing profession continues to develop and transform in practice and roles mostly due to the development of nursing models and theories that promote evidence based practice. Nursing remains a profession of caring and service. The pioneers of this profession revolutionized this career and haveRead MoreThe Historical Development Of Nursing1978 Words   |  8 PagesThe historical development of nursing from ancient times to the present For everyone knows that nursing has existed since the beginning of mankind, therefore, nursing is as old as mankind, because mankind has always had people unable to fend for themselves and always has been the need to care for them .The nursing, such as medicine and other professions through history has been developing its content, so the nurse shows his evolution over time, to become a profession without losing its original essence:Read MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1181 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline NUR/513 Theoretical Foundations of Practice Historical Development of Nursing Timeline With this paper the focus was on the authors focus on important nursing events from a historical perspective. In the early beginnings of nursing, religion played an important role since religious servants often provided healthcare services to the local communities. Nightingale obtained her education in Germany with Deaconess in Kaiserswerth (Gustafsson amp; Engstrà ¶mRead MoreHistorical Development Nursing Timeline1331 Words   |  6 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline Christopher Vinson NUR/513 January 1, 2015 Historical Development of Nursing The historical development of nursing today is based upon the lives of many, their contributions, sacrifices and experiences. These things brought about renovations in patient care. Different ways of thinking led to research, theories and evidenced based practice. The importance of studying nursing history has led to overall progression of nursing as a profession. InRead MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1113 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline Person may represent an individual, a family, a community or all humankind. Health represents a state of well-being as defined by the individual or mutually decided on by a individual and a nurse. Environment represents the person’s physical surroundings, the community, or the universe and all it contains. Nursing is the practice of the science and art of the discipline (George, 2011). Metaparadigm pertains to the core concepts of a particular disciplineRead MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1657 Words   |  7 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline Nursing has evolved greatly as a profession. Nursing has become an independent practice with its own theory practice, models and distinct interventions (George, 2011). Through the years, nursing leaders have developed many nursing theories that guide our practice today. Their research and contributions to the nursing profession has shaped our present-day practices. This paper will delineate the historic development of nursing science, focusing on theRead MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Theory1514 Words   |  7 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Science Tracy Thompson University of Phoenix Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR/513 Mary Nicks December 07, 2012 Historical Development of Nursing Science The historical development of nursing may be traced back to Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale is known as the first nurse theorist, (George, 2011)Read MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1033 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline 1850s The history of theoretical and scientific approach in nursing evolution rooted in mid-1800s by the founder and pioneer of modern nursing; Florence Nightingale. She was considered â€Å"The Lady with the Lamp† and â€Å"The Mother of Modern Nursing â€Å". Florence Nightingale was born in Florence Italy on May 12, 1820. She grew up with the belief that her religious calling was to take care of other people. She started her work during the Crimean

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Congestive Heart Failure And Failure - 1389 Words

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF), also called chronic heart failure or congestive cardiac failure (CCF) is a clinical condition where heart muscle is weakened and cannot pump the blood as well as the normal heart. The ventricle, also known as main pumping chamber of the heart become larger or thicker which leads to inability to contract or relax as it should. â€Å"There is no universally agreed definition of heart failure (Denolin et al., 1983). It is the consequence of cardiac disease, diagnosis is clinically based on sign and symptoms manifested due to circulatory and neuro-hormonal response to cardiac dysfunction is heart failure (Poole-Wilson). The major and escalating public health problem in developed and industrialized country with aging population is congestive heart failure. According to Gaves (1991), the indication for hospitalization among adult over 65years of age is congestive heart failure. Over the past two decades admission rate to treat this condition have exponentia lly increased (Ghali et al., 1990). The quality and quantity of life of the patient of CHF is robbed (McMurry et al., 1998; McMurry Stewart, 2000; Petrie McMurry, 2001; Murdoch McMurry, 2000). The epidemiology of the heart failure remain vast and inadequate. The rate of cardiovascular disease in Australia is highest comparison to rest of the world, despite of its significant advancement and progress in health industry, out of this sizeable portion of group is represented by heartShow MoreRelatedCongestive Failure Of Congestive Heart Failure1832 Words   |  8 Pages What is congestive heart failure? Congestive heart failure which is simply referred to as heart failure is a chronic progressive disease that affects the heart s ability to pump blood effectively. Specifically, it means the heart is weakened to the point that it is not able to contract and circulate blood adequately. This weakened pump creates a backup of circulation and gives rise to a host of symptoms and debilitating conditions. The word â€Å"congestive† heart failure derives its meaning fromRead MoreCongestive Failure : Congestive Heart Failure975 Words   |  4 PagesCongestive heart failure â€Å"congestive heart failure is a chronic progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood through to meet the body’s needs for blood and oxygen†(American Heart Association, 2015). When the heart fails, it pumps the blood faster to increase the output and muscle of heart become more dense and enlarged. Once the chambers are enlarged, it stretches more and contract strongly which helps to pump more blood. Due to the enlargement of the heart, a bodyRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure1262 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Almost every one in the United States knows a person suffering from congestive heart failure. This disease has manifested its way into the lives of so many—the statistics are astounding. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, nearly 5 million people are affected and it is the main reason for hospital admission in older adults over the age of 65. This is a great cause for concern. In order to reduce the morbidity and control this epidemic, we must first understandRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure2459 Words   |  10 Pagesincreasing frequently (Drug Store News, 1997). Congestive heart failure tends to be more common in the elderly, men, and also African Americans. Congestive heart failure has become the most common cause for current hospital admissions. Among causing prolonged hospital stays congestive heart failure has a very high mortality rate, which has declined since recent medical advancements. So what is congestive heart failure? A simple definition is the heart s inability to pump blood to the rest of theRead MoreThe Failure Of Congestive Heart Failure1090 Words   |  5 PagesCongestive heart failure is a chronic condition that is responsible for the highest number of hospitalizations among adults. Readmission rates after hospitalization also remain high, with 50% of patients being readmitted within 6 months of discharge. (Desai Stevenson, 2012). The Affordable Care Act penalizes hospitals with readmissions within 30 days after discharge, making readmissions a focus of hospitals nationwide. Several factors including discharge planning, patient education, diet restrictionsRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure1149 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction Congestive Heart Failure is the Inability of the heart to maintain the demands of pumping blood with normal efficiency to other organs, such as the brain, liver, and kidneys (Congestive heart failure, 2008). Without the heart carrying out its functions, all the organs in the body would be deprived of sufficient blood to do its work, the kidney will no longer filter its blood leading to fluid accumulation in areas such as the lungs, liver, legs, and surrounding eye, when thisRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure2705 Words   |  11 Pages As congestive heart failure continually increases among people worldwide it is a medical condition that is beginning to become more of a concern even for people at younger ages. It is typically a disease addressed by late age and elderly patients but many cases of earlier age have been shown. Because congestive heart failure has evolved when it comes to treatment, patients experience a remarkable difference on quality of life even over the last ten years. Although signs and symptoms remainRead Morecongestive heart failure2121 Words   |  9 Pages Congestive Heart Failure Olasumbo Dada Liberty University Abstract The prevalence of congestive heart failure is on the increase both in the United States and all over the world, and it is the leading cause of hospitalization in the elderly population. Congestive heart failure is a progressive disease generally seen in the elderly, which if not properly managed, can lead to repeated hospital admissions or death. Heart failure means that the heart muscle is weakened. A weakened heart muscleRead MoreCongestive Heart Failure1590 Words   |  7 PagesCongestive Heart Failure Toni Belsito Brookdale Community College HESC 105 Medical Terminology Congestive Heart Failure Congestive heart hailure, also known as CHF or heart failure, affects the lives of 5 million Americans each year with 550,000 new cases diagnosed yearly. (Emory healthcare, 2013) CHF is a medical condition in which the heart has become weak and cannot pump enough blood to meet the need for oxygen rich blood required by the vital organs of the body, less blood is pumpedRead MoreCongestive Heart Failure1589 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Congestive Heart Failure Congestive Heart Failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the needs of the rest of the body (Department of Health Human Services, 2012). The failure can occur in on either side of the heart. In left-side heart failure, fluid backs up into the lungs, causing shortness of breath, due to the fact that the blood entering the left side of the heart comes from the pulmonary artery, and when the left ventricle cannot pump fluid out of the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Field Of Academic Literacy Development Education Essay Free Essays

string(46) " the University of KwaZulu-Natal \( UKZN \) \." Two articles related to academic literacy development where chosen as the topics for analysis, as academic literacy development is a nucleus research involvement of mine. This is due mostly, to the hapless state-of-affairs of instruction in South Africa. The purpose of this appraising survey was to foreground both strengths and failings of both articles in an effort to derive a better apprehension of good research in the field of academic literacy development. We will write a custom essay sample on Field Of Academic Literacy Development Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both articles were chosen due to their relevancy in my field of involvement. Article one was chosen as it was written by the laminitis of the ‘Reading to Learn: Learning to Read teaching method, while article two was chosen as it conducted similar research to mine within the same university context. A structured ‘article literacy checklist ‘ was used as a starting point for the critical rating. However, due to terrible word restrictions, non all of the checkpoints were discussed in this assignment. It was found that both articles differed in footings of their strengths and failings. For illustration, article one was strong in footings of its clear account of the methodological analysis, consequences and findings whereas article two was strong in its literature reappraisal. In add-on, article two showed some weaknesss in its attack to the sampling process. Both article one and two make usage of a descriptive and process rubric. They both describe what the article will be approximately and place clearly that an account of the procedure involved will be included. However, article one goes one measure farther by set uping that the article is non merely a description, but besides an rating ; thereby, supplying excess information to inform the audience about its relevancy to their country of involvement. Contrastingly, article two, seems to go forth out this information. Possibly this is due to the fact that the writers ‘ focal point of the article was more about the existent programme and non the appraising facet of its efficaciousness? Nevertheless, a reference of this could hold been included in the rubric to better inform the reader of its relevancy to those looking for a description and rating of the procedure of scaffolded attacks to reading and composing seeing as an rating was conducted. Introduction Introductions, or opening statements to any research article serve to introduce the reader to the context and nature of the job to be investigated ( Darley, Zanna A ; Roediger, 2003 ) . This is achieved perceptibly good in both articles as the writers provide a elaborate apprehension of the context of their research and the state of affairs that their participants find themselves located in ( crisis ) . Furthermore, the demand for such a survey is highlighted. However, merely article one provides penetration into the more complex descriptions of the existent research methodological analysis and consequences. Furthermore, unlike article two, non merely does article one clearly specify what is to be realized within the article, but it besides skillfully leads the reader from ‘familiar ‘ nomenclature to the more ‘unfamiliar ‘ proficient linguistic communication. ( Darley et al, 2003 ) . Sing as most research is job driven, both articles ‘ debuts like an ex pert highlight a crisis in instruction ( deficiency of expressed instruction and composing ) and both point to a similar blank ( an absence/gap in pedagogic attacks in rectifying this crisis ) . Abstraction Both articles have an abstract and are easy decoded. However, article one seems to supply a more in-depth abstract than article two, as article two leaves out any reference of an appraising facet within the paper. In add-on, article two does non supply any keywords, which is a critical constituent of being able to recover information electronically. Research Goals Both articles clearly province that the research article undertook to research a new/different attack to learning academic literacy development. In add-on, the end of both articles was to explicate a state of affairs found in a certain context ( hapless pupils ‘ literacy development ) and to prove the efficaciousness of the pedagogic attack adopted. However, this was overtly stated in article one and non in article two. Literature Review An of import principle for a literature reappraisal is the demand to explicate a proposal for your research you intend to set about and convert your reader that your research is of import ( Hart, 1998 ) . Furthermore, harmonizing to Hart ( 1998 ) , the assessment of literature for your research provides a strong practical proof for your research and demonstrates an apprehension of your subject at manus. This is really clearly demonstrated in article two which combines a thorough probe into the theory of scaffolding scholars reading and composing and an application of that theory to the South African context ( Vygotsky, larning as a societal procedure, Cummins BICS and CALP and so forth ) . The sourcing of other research in article two ‘s literature reappraisal besides provides academic burdening to their research. Contrasting article two, is article one, which still provides a literature reappraisal in its ‘context and intent of the research ‘ subdivision, but from a somewhat different point of position. Sing as Dr David Rose is one of the establishing authors/researchers in the ‘Reading to Learn: Learning to Read methodological analysis, it is no surprise that there appears to be less mentioning of other old surveies in literacy development. Alternatively, his literature reappraisal seems to stem from his personal surveies of 25 old ages of experience in researching hapless literacy degrees of non-native talkers. Sampling and Research Design Sampling can be a instead combative issue as many research workers disagree in their procedure of choosing their sample units from the broader population and this may make every bit controversial arguments as to whether their findings can be generalized, or seen as accurate ( Trochim, 2006 ) . This is apparent in article two which used a non-random sampling process and involved inadvertent /convenience sampling. Harmonizing to Bouma and Ling ( 2004 ) this involves a survey of a population that is instantly available. The writers of article two used the full cohort of Science Access pupils at the University of KwaZulu-Natal ( UKZN ) . You read "Field Of Academic Literacy Development Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" An advantage of utilizing this sampling process could associate to its simpleness ( needed small attempt ) , and an relief of issues related to statistical dependability ( Field, 2009 ) . After all, the greater the sample size, the smaller the standard mistake in your findings! However, Bouma and Ling ( 2004 ) clearly province that inadvertent sampling may non supply a clear representation of the larger population of which you are seeking to pull out valuable information from. For illustration, research in the field of literacy development in South Africa needs to impact upon, and assistance ALL disadvantaged scholars, from vastly differing contexts. Students from destitute backgrounds in the different states of South Africa have different barriers to larning ; hence, if the research workers in article two want to be able to take their findings and use them to all Universities in South Africa, possibly random sampling is required, as non-random sampling, harmonizing to Bouma and Ling ( 2004 ) provides merely a weak footing for generalization. However, if the purpose of the writers was to look into a pedagogic attack to literacy development within the context of their local university as a footing for farther surveies within the broader So uth African context, so this sampling process would be able to supply equal informations as it used the full cohort of Science Access pupils at UKZN. Article one made usage of an action research design that investigated and evaluated a alteration in teaching method. Rose ( 2008 ) mentioned that the research workers were the agents presenting the alterations in teaching method. This type of research was good atoned to the aims of the research itself as it allowed the research worker to prosecute in brooding and automatic patterns ( Pring, 2006 ) . Furthermore, seeing as the research workers were more concerned with bettering an already neglecting standard signifier of academic literacy teaching method, the action research design was good suited to the end of the research, which was to research an improved educational pattern ( Pring, 2006 ) . Just like article two, the full cohort of pupils were given the option to partake in the survey but merely 25 opted to be portion of the research. Once once more, a non-random, inadvertent trying procedure was chosen but contrasting article one, article two clearly stated that the research fin dings were limited to one context and to be used at one University for the time-being. Consequences ( qualitative and quantitative ) , treatments and decisions It is assumed ( no explicit reference ) that article two made usage of both qualitative and quantitative informations as the trials required written work which so appears to hold been codified. However, no reference of this is given in the results/findings, nor any reference of how the codification was done Article two nowadayss their treatment of their findings in the signifier of an rating of the success of the scientific discipline communicating faculty. The writers are honorable and forthright in their statement sing the troubles they faced in mensurating the class ‘s success, due to the complexnesss of literacy development, which must be commended. However, their existent findings are obscure as a reference of an addition in public presentation by pupils in both the written and comprehension parts of the proving seem to belie a ulterior statement in the same sentence ( p458 ) . There could be a disagreement in the reading of pupils ( all pupils tested ) and most pupils ( n on all pupils tested ) . Furthermore, four key jobs were outstanding within the findings. First, pupils are categorised into three different groups ( weakest, in-between and strongest ) . No reference or account is given as to how or why these groups were categorised. Second, table three provides a comparing of betterment. No indicant is given as to whether this is still the average tonss ( continued from table two ) or in fact, the average tonss. This could be important should the distribution of the tonss non be usually distributed. If the information was in fact skewed, than the average tonss would supply a better step of cardinal inclination. Third, inquiries arise with respects to the cogency and dependability of the tools of measuring. Field ( 2009 ) states that cogency and dependability are belongingss of measuring that aid guarantee measurement mistake is kept to a lower limit. In this peculiar article, issues of standard cogency influence the authorization of the findings. This is because the trials implemented may non really prove reading AND composing accomplis hments of scholars. Learners were being taught to read and compose big pieces of scientific authorship ( essays and studies ) but the trial implemented was proving an betterment of these accomplishments through the usage of MCQ ‘s ( Oklahoma for proving comprehension ) and short written undertakings. These composing undertakings required no more than 7-10 lines of written work which did non prove genre conventions acquired or the ability to compose longer texts. At the same clip, the entryway trials are pitched at a pre-university degree. Students, after one twelvemonth of explicit scaffolding where given a similar trial, still pitched at the pre-university degree, which inquiries whether a ‘learned-effect ‘ influenced betterment and non merely the intercession ( Arrow, 1962 ) . This brings to light issues of test-retest dependability ( Field, 2009 ) . Last, no existent trial statistics are given in the findings to state us whether the per centum of betterments ( 1 4 % ; 11 % and 5 % ) are statistically important in themselves. Therefore, they are strictly descriptive in the presentation. Article one is a batch clearer in footings of its research findings and consequences as it skillfully explains the measuring tool used to measure the authorship undertakings. Unlike article two, there does non look to be negative issues related to standard cogency as trials set out to mensurate the efficaciousness of the pedagogic attack step longer pieces of composing to prove composing accomplishments. The trials are farther authenticated by the usage of both qualitative and quantitative feedback. The consequences of both of these are really clearly laid out for the reader to position. Furthermore, the footing for the cryptography of the qualitative information was backed up by tested and tried methods used by the University of Sydney and research in the field of Linguistics. This allowed the rates of literacy betterment to be objectively measured. Article one besides ranked their research population into three separate groups but a description of how and why this was done was expr essed and allowed for greater apprehension than article two. Article one provided a much clearer description/discussion of its findings and offered possible motivation factors for countries that did non match to the overall tendency of patterned advance. This, together with neatly laid out tabular arraies and graphs of the information, let for higher degrees of assurance in the objectiveness of the action research. Furthermore, the findings of the action research were besides linked to suggestions of how to better literacy development amongst disadvantaged scholars across Australia. To reason, both article one and article two provide good illustrations of research in the field of literacy development. In add-on, they provide good theoretical accounts of how to, and how non to, describe on such findings. Both may hold differing strengths and failings, but still supply a good illustration of how to carry on valid and nonsubjective research. The analysis of the two articles have provided a good foundation for my ain research and have besides provided an chance for me to change my current research to supply more valid and dependable consequences. How to cite Field Of Academic Literacy Development Education Essay, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Inflation in the 1970s

Monetary policy During inflation, the economy overheats, as the aggregate demand surpasses the level of economic growth. Thereby, the central bank plays a major role in employing the monetary policy, which encourages more saving than spending (Barsky and Lutz 18).Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Inflation in the 1970s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The most appropriate method is increasing interest rates, where, borrowing becomes very expensive, and people resolve to save instead of borrowing and spending money recklessly. Essentially, there is an increase in the opportunity cost of spending, and homeowners with mortgage find it too expensive to service their mortgage loans. With a decrease in borrowings, the real money supply in the economy reduces significantly. Companies also find it very expensive to borrow monies from banks, thus, they end up making very few investments. Moreover, when the interest ra te is significantly high, the exchange rate increases, and the inflation pressures reduce. This reduces the demand for exports and makes imports slightly inexpensive. The situation becomes very difficult, as some businesses experience losses in some of their investment projects. The entire scenario leads to an aggregate decrease in demand, where, buyers barely have enough money to spend, and the sellers have to reduce the prices of their products to obtain customers. Monetary policy is very effective in keeping inflation under control, as long as the interest rates are high. Fiscal policy The fiscal policy targets the demand side, and its effects to the economy resemble those of the monetary policy. During inflation, the government aims at reducing the flow of money in the economy by increasing direct taxes to the citizens. This approach helps in reducing the amount of disposable income, as the citizens have to pay high taxes for every income that they earn or spend. High income tax es and high value added taxes play a significant role in reducing consumer spending.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Such a scenario aids and maintain steady budgeting, and thus, it supports economic growth in a given nation. The increased tariffs escalate the leakage rates, and the consumers are left with barely enough money to spend. Another approach of employing the fiscal policy is through the reduction of government spending in the economy. In such a case, the reduced injections into the circular flow of the economy trim down the demand, which reduces inflation, and the general growth of the economy reduces significantly. Exchange rate policy Whenever the value of a currency appreciates, the exports become expensive, where, the volume of exports reduce significantly. Moreover, the aggregate demand for exports reduces significantly, and the firms in the country have to reduce their prices to remain competitive in the global market. Whenever the currency in a particular nation is high, the import prices reduce significantly; therefore, firms that depend on imported raw materials experience reduced manufacturing costs. With that, the firms can sell their products at low prices, and still make profits. Income policy Direct wage control is an important aspect of fiscal policy because it sets limits of wage bill and decrease expenditure in the government. A government experiencing inflation can restrict pay rise for government employees to cut on its expenditures. Moreover, the government can go ahead and persuade private sector employers to control their wage levels. Despite the fact that low wage growth moderates inflation rate and reduces forces of inflation, it does not control inflation rate effectively. Labour market and supply side policies Reducing persistent uncompetitive markets and creation of flexible labour markets would play a great r ole in reducing inflationary pressures. The government can take part in weakening labour unions and encouraging part-time employment.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Inflation in the 1970s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although flexible labour markets lead to an increase in job insecurity, the increased flexibility in the labour markets would play a great role in helping firms to reduce their labour costs and thus reduce inflationary pressures. The lower cost per unit of production would enable firms to achieve economic growth without necessarily increasing their prices. Economic policies that controlled inflation in the 1970s The United States experienced a period of stagflation in the 1970s, where, the economic growth rate was slow and the inflation rates were considerably high. However, Milton Friedman, an American economist, believed that monetary supply was the issue affecting the economy. He theref ore insisted that the monetary policy would play a significant role in combating inflation of the 1970s. In 1979, Paul Volcker, the Federal Reserve Chairperson, employed the monetary policy, which played a great role in reducing inflation. The increment of interest rates provides a way for the government to discourage spending and borrowing. In the middle part of 1970s, the interest rates increased to about 12%, as there was an excessive growth in the economy (Biven 28). Citizens resolved to save, and the real money supply in the economy reduced significantly. Although the monetary policy was the basis of the severe 1981-1982 recession period, it played a great role in combating the inflation of the 1970s. Phillips curve and its application in the 1970s inflation Phillips curve seeks to analyse the macro-economic situation and explain the correlation between inflation levels and the unemployment levels in any given economy. Since its implementation, the Philips curve has played a gr eat role in managing the trade cycle, where, it helps policy makers to manage aggregate demand whenever the economy encounters high unemployment rates, inflation, and severe recession periods. Essentially, the Philips curve indicated that wage inflation and unemployment levels have an inverse relationship. It is evident that changes in the levels of unemployment determine the price inflation levels in any economy. If, for example, there is an increase in the demand for labour, the unemployment levels fall, as firms raise their wages to compete for the few labourers available. During the inflation period of the 1970s, the government had to select the most appropriate rate of inflation and work towards achieving it. Friedman studied the Phillips curve carefully, and discovered that the economy consisted of a series of short run Phillips curves that explained the natural rate of unemployment.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The short run Phillips curves played a great role in determining the existing inflation rate. Indeed, the entire period running through 1970-1979 had three short run Phillips curves that explained the upward shift of inflation expectations during the period. While applying Milton Friedman’s monetary policy, the Phillips curve was imperative, and the economists had to contract or expand the economy accordingly to achieve the most appropriate rate of inflation (Marvin and King 993). The Phillips curve was imperative in incorporating the negative supply shocks experienced during the inflation period. Therefore, although the stagflation period presented a breakdown of the Phillips curve in the 1970s, the curve had some relevance in achieving the monetary policy that combated the great inflation. Works Cited Barsky, Robert and Kilian Lutz. A Monetary Explanation of the Great Stagflation of the 1970s. Michigan: University of Michigan, 2010. Print. Biven, Carl. Jimmy Carter’s Economy: Policy in an Age of Limits. North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 2002. Print. Marvin, Goodfriend and Robert King. â€Å"The Incredible Volcker Disinflation.† Journal of Monetary Economics 52.1 (2005): 981-1015. Print. Appendix 1: Phillips curve shifts, 1970-1979 This term paper on Inflation in the 1970s was written and submitted by user Samson Barton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.