Friday, May 22, 2020

Historical Development of Nursing - 1381 Words

Running head: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING 1 Historical Development of Nursing Valerie Spalding Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR 513 May 31, 2014 Dr. Noura Kassis HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING 2 Historical Development of Nursing The development of nursing has made giant leaps throughout the last century. Starting with Florence Nightingale, the history of nursing will be discussed. A few significant events, theories and theorists will be depicted. In addition, the relationship between nursing science and the profession will be described. Moreover, the influences on nursing science of other disciplines will be mentioned. Because nursing has a plethora of history and†¦show more content†¦Comprised of theory of self care, self care deficit, and nursing system; nursing care becomes necessary when the patient is unable to fulfill biological, psychological, developmental or social needs (George, 2011). This was the conceptual model used at the nursing school I attended. Another theorist that I admire from the 1970’s is Betty Neuman. From the principles of her psychological background, Neuman’s theory states that interaction with internal and external environment embracing the whole client system can affect an individual (Neuman amp; Fawcett, 2011). Simply stated, reduce stress. The 1980’s provided expansion and revision to many nursing theories based on research findings (George, 2011). Further research and broadening of nursing theories continued into the 1990’s and the 21st century (George, 2011). As technology and cultures advance, so will the need for additional research and nursing theory expansion. With more awareness of a multicultural society and multicultural needs, it is evident that diversity has had an impact on nursing theory (George, 2011). According to George (2011), diversity of theoretical thought is the focus guiding the discipline of nursing in research and evidence-based practice in the 21st century. Nursing Science and the Profession Nursing science is directly related to nursing as a profession. The definition of science is knowledge acquired through experience, and the definition ofShow MoreRelatedHistorical Development of Nursing1368 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING 1 Historical Development of Nursing Valerie Spalding Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR 513 May 31, 2014 Dr. Noura Kassis HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING 2 Historical Development of Nursing The development of nursing has made giant leaps throughout the last century. Starting with Florence Nightingale, the history of nursing will be discussed. A few significant events, theories and theoristsRead MoreHistorical Development of Nursing1413 Words   |  6 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline International Council of Nurses (ICN) definition of nursing is - â€Å"collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of disease, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are alsoRead MoreThe Historical Development of Nursing1308 Words   |  6 PagesThe Historical Development of Nursing Timeline University of Phoenix Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR/513 Alexandra Winter December 7, 2013 The Historical Development of Nursing Timeline The nursing profession continues to develop and transform in practice and roles mostly due to the development of nursing models and theories that promote evidence based practice. Nursing remains a profession of caring and service. The pioneers of this profession revolutionized this career and haveRead MoreThe Historical Development Of Nursing1978 Words   |  8 PagesThe historical development of nursing from ancient times to the present For everyone knows that nursing has existed since the beginning of mankind, therefore, nursing is as old as mankind, because mankind has always had people unable to fend for themselves and always has been the need to care for them .The nursing, such as medicine and other professions through history has been developing its content, so the nurse shows his evolution over time, to become a profession without losing its original essence:Read MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1181 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline NUR/513 Theoretical Foundations of Practice Historical Development of Nursing Timeline With this paper the focus was on the authors focus on important nursing events from a historical perspective. In the early beginnings of nursing, religion played an important role since religious servants often provided healthcare services to the local communities. Nightingale obtained her education in Germany with Deaconess in Kaiserswerth (Gustafsson amp; Engstrà ¶mRead MoreHistorical Development Nursing Timeline1331 Words   |  6 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline Christopher Vinson NUR/513 January 1, 2015 Historical Development of Nursing The historical development of nursing today is based upon the lives of many, their contributions, sacrifices and experiences. These things brought about renovations in patient care. Different ways of thinking led to research, theories and evidenced based practice. The importance of studying nursing history has led to overall progression of nursing as a profession. InRead MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1113 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline Person may represent an individual, a family, a community or all humankind. Health represents a state of well-being as defined by the individual or mutually decided on by a individual and a nurse. Environment represents the person’s physical surroundings, the community, or the universe and all it contains. Nursing is the practice of the science and art of the discipline (George, 2011). Metaparadigm pertains to the core concepts of a particular disciplineRead MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1657 Words   |  7 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline Nursing has evolved greatly as a profession. Nursing has become an independent practice with its own theory practice, models and distinct interventions (George, 2011). Through the years, nursing leaders have developed many nursing theories that guide our practice today. Their research and contributions to the nursing profession has shaped our present-day practices. This paper will delineate the historic development of nursing science, focusing on theRead MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Theory1514 Words   |  7 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Science Tracy Thompson University of Phoenix Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR/513 Mary Nicks December 07, 2012 Historical Development of Nursing Science The historical development of nursing may be traced back to Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale is known as the first nurse theorist, (George, 2011)Read MoreHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline1033 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Development of Nursing Timeline 1850s The history of theoretical and scientific approach in nursing evolution rooted in mid-1800s by the founder and pioneer of modern nursing; Florence Nightingale. She was considered â€Å"The Lady with the Lamp† and â€Å"The Mother of Modern Nursing â€Å". Florence Nightingale was born in Florence Italy on May 12, 1820. She grew up with the belief that her religious calling was to take care of other people. She started her work during the Crimean

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