Saturday, May 9, 2020

Congestive Heart Failure And Failure - 1389 Words

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF), also called chronic heart failure or congestive cardiac failure (CCF) is a clinical condition where heart muscle is weakened and cannot pump the blood as well as the normal heart. The ventricle, also known as main pumping chamber of the heart become larger or thicker which leads to inability to contract or relax as it should. â€Å"There is no universally agreed definition of heart failure (Denolin et al., 1983). It is the consequence of cardiac disease, diagnosis is clinically based on sign and symptoms manifested due to circulatory and neuro-hormonal response to cardiac dysfunction is heart failure (Poole-Wilson). The major and escalating public health problem in developed and industrialized country with aging population is congestive heart failure. According to Gaves (1991), the indication for hospitalization among adult over 65years of age is congestive heart failure. Over the past two decades admission rate to treat this condition have exponentia lly increased (Ghali et al., 1990). The quality and quantity of life of the patient of CHF is robbed (McMurry et al., 1998; McMurry Stewart, 2000; Petrie McMurry, 2001; Murdoch McMurry, 2000). The epidemiology of the heart failure remain vast and inadequate. The rate of cardiovascular disease in Australia is highest comparison to rest of the world, despite of its significant advancement and progress in health industry, out of this sizeable portion of group is represented by heartShow MoreRelatedCongestive Failure Of Congestive Heart Failure1832 Words   |  8 Pages What is congestive heart failure? Congestive heart failure which is simply referred to as heart failure is a chronic progressive disease that affects the heart s ability to pump blood effectively. Specifically, it means the heart is weakened to the point that it is not able to contract and circulate blood adequately. This weakened pump creates a backup of circulation and gives rise to a host of symptoms and debilitating conditions. The word â€Å"congestive† heart failure derives its meaning fromRead MoreCongestive Failure : Congestive Heart Failure975 Words   |  4 PagesCongestive heart failure â€Å"congestive heart failure is a chronic progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood through to meet the body’s needs for blood and oxygen†(American Heart Association, 2015). When the heart fails, it pumps the blood faster to increase the output and muscle of heart become more dense and enlarged. Once the chambers are enlarged, it stretches more and contract strongly which helps to pump more blood. Due to the enlargement of the heart, a bodyRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure1262 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Almost every one in the United States knows a person suffering from congestive heart failure. This disease has manifested its way into the lives of so many—the statistics are astounding. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, nearly 5 million people are affected and it is the main reason for hospital admission in older adults over the age of 65. This is a great cause for concern. In order to reduce the morbidity and control this epidemic, we must first understandRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure2459 Words   |  10 Pagesincreasing frequently (Drug Store News, 1997). Congestive heart failure tends to be more common in the elderly, men, and also African Americans. Congestive heart failure has become the most common cause for current hospital admissions. Among causing prolonged hospital stays congestive heart failure has a very high mortality rate, which has declined since recent medical advancements. So what is congestive heart failure? A simple definition is the heart s inability to pump blood to the rest of theRead MoreThe Failure Of Congestive Heart Failure1090 Words   |  5 PagesCongestive heart failure is a chronic condition that is responsible for the highest number of hospitalizations among adults. Readmission rates after hospitalization also remain high, with 50% of patients being readmitted within 6 months of discharge. (Desai Stevenson, 2012). The Affordable Care Act penalizes hospitals with readmissions within 30 days after discharge, making readmissions a focus of hospitals nationwide. Several factors including discharge planning, patient education, diet restrictionsRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure1149 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction Congestive Heart Failure is the Inability of the heart to maintain the demands of pumping blood with normal efficiency to other organs, such as the brain, liver, and kidneys (Congestive heart failure, 2008). Without the heart carrying out its functions, all the organs in the body would be deprived of sufficient blood to do its work, the kidney will no longer filter its blood leading to fluid accumulation in areas such as the lungs, liver, legs, and surrounding eye, when thisRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure2705 Words   |  11 Pages As congestive heart failure continually increases among people worldwide it is a medical condition that is beginning to become more of a concern even for people at younger ages. It is typically a disease addressed by late age and elderly patients but many cases of earlier age have been shown. Because congestive heart failure has evolved when it comes to treatment, patients experience a remarkable difference on quality of life even over the last ten years. Although signs and symptoms remainRead Morecongestive heart failure2121 Words   |  9 Pages Congestive Heart Failure Olasumbo Dada Liberty University Abstract The prevalence of congestive heart failure is on the increase both in the United States and all over the world, and it is the leading cause of hospitalization in the elderly population. Congestive heart failure is a progressive disease generally seen in the elderly, which if not properly managed, can lead to repeated hospital admissions or death. Heart failure means that the heart muscle is weakened. A weakened heart muscleRead MoreCongestive Heart Failure1590 Words   |  7 PagesCongestive Heart Failure Toni Belsito Brookdale Community College HESC 105 Medical Terminology Congestive Heart Failure Congestive heart hailure, also known as CHF or heart failure, affects the lives of 5 million Americans each year with 550,000 new cases diagnosed yearly. (Emory healthcare, 2013) CHF is a medical condition in which the heart has become weak and cannot pump enough blood to meet the need for oxygen rich blood required by the vital organs of the body, less blood is pumpedRead MoreCongestive Heart Failure1589 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Congestive Heart Failure Congestive Heart Failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the needs of the rest of the body (Department of Health Human Services, 2012). The failure can occur in on either side of the heart. In left-side heart failure, fluid backs up into the lungs, causing shortness of breath, due to the fact that the blood entering the left side of the heart comes from the pulmonary artery, and when the left ventricle cannot pump fluid out of the

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